You can explain whether you think this has helped you or hurt you, or you can say whether or not you like this change. What are the effects of American drone attacks on terrorists and civilians? Answer: This is a good argument topic. What effect does parent involvement in schools have on education? It's easy, cheap, fast, and convenient! What are the most important reasons students choose their major? Here are some other questions: What has caused the trend of lower teenage pregnancy rates? If you were writing to a U.S. audience, they would probably not know the situation at all, and you would need to give a fuller explanation and examples. Stress is not only some unpleasant situation that makes us feel inconvenient, stress can even cause harm our health. Great quality, good grades. Alcohol Addiction and Psychiatric Disorders. Tiffany Nali Period 3 May 20,2012 Cause and Effect Essay on Obesity Obesity is one of the main topics in America including one of the main reasons of death.-(begin with a subject) Detecting obesity is easy, but treating it can be very hard to do. Effects of Leonardo da Vinci's inventions on global science. Positive effects of early education and daycare centers. You will also find valuable writing tips in this article. Answer: As a mom who has raised teenagers in the era of cellphones, I certainly am interested in this topic. This was extremely helpful! 3. The overall ecology situation is extremely dangerous for humanity. Answer: Here are some better ways to phrase the topic: 1. 2. Does standardized testing actually help students to learn more in school? Then define and explain "employment syndrome." What has caused the increase of infertility in advanced countries? What causes parents to over-schedule their children's activities? What causes people to make healthy living choices? Cause and Effect Essay Topics on food, health, and medicine. 3. Here are some good thesis ideas: 1. Answer: Here are some other essay questions on that topic: 1. Contamination of the near-Earth space environment leads to problems on the planet. What effect has that had on the education of children in that country?" Should a school district save money by eliminating textbooks and use digital books instead? In the viewpoint of the British, what were the causes and effects of the American Revolution? How to choose a topic for cause and effect essay? What is the effect of climate change on infectious medical diseases? What is the cause of so many refugees in Asia and what are the effects of this migration? How does cell phone use effect high school education? Your plan to start up the business and run it. What caused the North Koreans to be willing to meet with President Trump? What would the consequences be if the Civil War had a different ending? Search by alphabet, category, most popular topics, or simply enter a keyword and you’ll see an abundance of titles that will inspire you. ", effect= cause - not used that often - verb. 2. Cause and Effect Essay Cause and effect essay may be presented like a causal chain of events explaining the reasons and expounding their consequences. What causes students to think school is boring? Check out our cause and effect essay samples to understand how to write an essay of this type on your own. Reword the question to fit your assignment. This is done in order to maintain your confidentiality, and so that you may purchase with piece of mind. What has caused cancer to be so difficult to cure? I am passing this along and saving it, as well! Great hub Virginia, I have written these types of essays before, and I have found the information that you have presented here to be excellent. What you need in personnel, capital (funds), supplies and building space to start your business. So, go ahead and select the one you prefer, use it as it is, or tweak a little to reflect your preference. We decided to kill two birds with one stone and sort all our cause and effect essay ideas by different themes. What effect do fine arts have on students? These are great topics. Home; Il Locale; Contatti The consequences of worldwide tourism on education and self-development. My students have come up with most of these topics through the years and now this is my most visited article so they must have done a good job! Answer: Here are some other ways to word that question: 1. What are the effects of immigration on a country (pick any country)? Question: What is a good thesis for the following topic: What are the effects of homeschooling on children? It is the best way to organize your arguments and present your standpoint. It can encourage students to believe that they are capable, but it can discourage them by making them think that they don't need to work hard, or that if they don't achieve a high grade on everything, they have failed. What factors can make children to rebel against their guardians? Therefore, the first reason to master them is to keep up … Create a strong thesis statement - clear structure, the main opinion, no vague words. What effect does an increased use of technology have on health? Top 22 Health Argumentative Essay Ideas of 2020 that we will share with you for your perfect essay paper Answer: Rather than a personal question, a better essay would ask a more general one, like: 1. 5 Paragraph Essay Rubric: Guide for Easy Grading of Academic Papers, Problem Solution Essay on Bullying Outline - Writing Examples, How to Write a Scholarship Essay: Winning Writing Guide with Tips and Examples, Problem Solution Essay Outline — Step-by-Step Writing Instructions. What is the cause (or the effect) of people not getting their children vaccinated? What are the results of this trend?" 1. The platform displays a multitude of topic ideas you can use to practice or write your own essay. Here are some related ideas: 1. It is fascinating! I've reworded your topic to make it clear that you are talking about a cause and an effect. these topics are very fantastic. While there is no doubt that COVID-19 is causing significant stress, we won’t grasp the long-term mental health effects until we conduct future research. Paragraph 1: One of the causes … What causes the increasing number of children affected by Autistic Spectrum Disorder? carol stanley from Arizona on April 25, 2013: This is something to save when trying to come up with new writing ideas. Do your research, and eventually, you'll come across the essay topic you like. Expensive education in college causes a low level of knowledge. A Cause and Effect Essay on Stress in Students Outline. What is the cause and effect of an addiction to online shopping? How does living together before being married affect a relationship? 6. I like your ideas, it is something different & innovative. Question: Do you have any suggestions for "What is the cause of the recent trend in Ethiopia of teaching children by using plasma TV? What effect does online shopping have on a person's personality? Answer: You have an interesting question but if you are doing a cause/effect essay, you might want to word it differently: 1. Sport and Hobbies Topics. 6. What causes people to enjoy cohousing over other types of communities? However, this could be an interesting topic if you went further than that and talked about the effects, or consequences, of never paying close attention to your studies. What are the effects of the Arab Spring? Students, being in the eye of the educational storm, can make a great contribution to researching these topics. Question: What do you think of, "What causes paranoia? Causes and effects of a huge increase in human population in the last hundred years. Health in one opinion can be defined as ones physical, mental and/or social condition. Kimberly Lake from California on May 11, 2018: this will definitely will help me review for the act test. Question: What do you think of the essay topic "What is the cause of illegal immigration?". The cause is what causes the situation and the effect is what you have to take into consideration to the cause as we all know it. 2. Don't be afraid to choose a problematic topic for your cause-effect essay and figure out how to solve the problem. Question: What do you think about, "What causes teenagers to become sexually active?" Examine why something has happened or exists. ", "I love math and solving problems, but this semester I've lost the ability to like the homework tasks. Each cause needs to be recognized along with the effect it . Influence of pop culture on new artistic movements. Answer: Here are other questions on this issue: 1. What will be the effects of this rise in obesity on the healthcare system? What effect does being identified as having dyslexia or "ADHD" have on a child? Your hubs are so valuable to students and professional writers. I have more tasks to Introduction This essay is going to be exploring how trauma during childhood can possibly cause mental health problems later in adult life. What is the most important cause of the Myanmar civil war? 3. Television and social media decrease the mental capacity rate. Answer: Co-housing is an intentional community structure where people have private spaces but also share many community spaces, property, activities and areas like large kitchens, eating areas and recreational property. Trace the start of a situation to a discussion of its results. Every one out of five Americans is diagnosed with a mental illness. 1. 2. I am a Chinese student and I think your sharing did help me a lot. Essay On Depression: Causes, Symptoms And Effects In: Popular topics Our life is full of emotional ups and downs, but when the time of down lasts too long or influences our ability to function, in this case, probably, you suffer from common serious illness, which is called depression. Never have there have been so many teens and children not only overweight but obese. they suffer social stigma, have higher health costs, and are at an increased risk of becoming poor. What causes students to choose a particular major? 2. Human cloning could lead to the legalization of human trafficking. Additionally, the essay prompt requires that you should suggest various innovative ways to curb the problem. Does standardized testing make teachers only teach what is on the test? Does standardized testing cause more students to drop out of high school and never graduate? Paragraph 1: One of the causes of stress in students is poor sleeping habits. Morning exercise routine causes good physical and mental health. Great! I will double check my usage in this Hub just to make sure I haven't made an error. Anything you already have done to show that this plan would work. Body. Examine the results of an event, choice, or situation. What caused the Arab Spring? 2. Why are more children poor than any other group? Body. Great hub! It will be essential and valuable research that you can share to inform other people. Creative hobbies as a way to develop your patience and relieve stress. Because it is not a piece of cake to create a unique idea with a cause and effect connection that will be easy to write and research. Thank you ! ~Marilyn. Answer: That is a very good question and here are some other possibilities on that topic: What effect did the feminism of the 1960s and 70s have on American society? "As the recent studies show, the impact of the great amounts of homework on the mental health of young students is obvious." You could use this same format and insert any new educational idea. and then discuss the probable causes, using examples and any evidence you have from your research. How does technology like smart phones impact the ability of students to cheat? What is the cause of online courses popularity? Worldwide poaching and hunting as a reason for the decrease in the wild animal's population. What causes young people today to spend less time reading than previous generations and what will be the effects of this trend? Voted up and useful! Influence of Environmental Factors on Mental Health. Creative hobbies as a way to develop your patience and relieve stress. What causes millennial women to embrace feminism? How to Protect Your Mental Health from Social Media Dangers. What causes social media sites to lose popularity? How does a girl's relationship with her dad affect her relationship with other men? Why Our Ancestors Started to Walk on Two Feet . They have a logical structure and follow a general pattern, and you don't need to be overly creative and skilled in writing. The roots and results of insomnia. 2. You can be funny and connect with readers through personal anecdotes or some interesting statistic. How were WWII veterans affected by their wartime experiences? You're always my safety plan when I realize that I can't do something on time. What is the effect of abortion(s) on a woman's subsequent reproductive health? Do single-sex classrooms cause students to learn better? The interconnection between the church and the inquisition. I voted this hub "up," "useful," and "interesting." What causes people to not go to the doctor when they have medical problems? What causes teenagers to choose to communicate through texting rather than in person? What causes a family to have close relationships? What are the effects of globalization on the position of women? How to Protect Your Mental Health from Social Media Dangers. In order to figure out a solution, you must always first investigate the cause. What is the effect of grandparents raising a child? There are few main ways to organize it chronologically, categorically, and in order of importance and have it written down logically and coherently. 2. But, you should be ready to work through a bunch of legends about historical events and scope out the truth. Cause and effect of political news on people's mindset. 5. What was the effect of the printing press (or other invention) on world history? 4. What is the effect of people not having shoes to wear? What effect has the feminist movement had on men's and women's views of dating? How will the Myanmar civil war affect the country? Make sure you choose the essay topic that is important for you. What causes have led to the effect of a decline in ethics in Pakistani politics? Of course, if you play rather than study, you won't do as well on the test. 4. Question: What do you think of the topic, "What was the cause of the destruction of the World Trade Center on 9/11?" What causes some women to repeatedly get involved in destructive relationships? Vote up! Present the arguments and facts from primary sources to make your essay sound powerful. 3. However, remember not to write too little on one part. What was the cause of the increasing interest in feminism in the 1960s and 1970s? "(Albert Einstein). Train your memory! Organize the supporting points in chronological, categorical, or priority order. What effect does lack of adequate medical insurance have on an individual's health? The first sentence should tell your main point, what you did to change your lifestyle. If you are interested in reading essays on similar or any other topic, you should visit our website. You can view samples of our professional work here. What is causing the rise of non-drug treatment for pain? When you want to create a great cause and effect essay for college, having an engaging topic you need to know that you can have fun too! 7. Stress is not only some unpleasant situation that makes us feel inconvenient, stress can even cause harm our health. What effect does having an abortion have on a dating relationship? (Or what is the effect of over-scheduling on the child?). What is the effect of mass media on audience bias? Sometimes you use "effect" when you should use "affect. There generally needs to be some disagreement about the cause to make this paper work. What causes the U.S. to be such a popular place for illegal immigrants to come? What do you think will happen to schools in fifty years? 4. How does social media affect private and social life? To create an effective essay, you should prepare your cause and effect essay topics list and get some certain supporting facts and evidence. I have a cause and effect essay to type for my English class. ... Alcohol Addiction and Psychiatric Disorders. ... Get the huge list of more than 500 Essay Topics and Ideas. What effect does growing up with food insecurity have on children? 1097 words (4 pages) Essay. Cause and effect essays are one of the simplest to write. Causes and effects of other planets colonization. Instead of browsing Google and spending hours trying to come up with a cause and effect essay topic, you can just use Edusson Magic Help. Well, we hope this article was helpful, and you already picked the topic for your cause and effect essay. However, it is often true that these two types of essays are linked. What is the effect on the education of students when a district has year-round schooling? Wildlands fires considered as a hazard to forest animals and plants species. Extreme sport hobbies lead to traumas and accidents. What causes people to come illegally rather than to try to come legally? You should organize these cause and effect essay topics properly. Thank you for sharing. What does standardized testing actually measure? What is the effect of divorce on children? ", "No, not all of us have time to write A-grade essays AND keep up with our jobs. Introduction. Does going to college cause people to have better marriages? Cause and Effect Essay on Obesity. Always formatted and referenced. It makes it impossible for other people to find out that you used our essay writer service. What are the causes of people stealing other's copyrighted content? Disclaimer: All the research and custom writing services provided by the Company have limited use as stated in the Terms and Conditions. There are more benefits to do sports outside rather than in a gym. Thesis: Stress in students may have serious harmful effects and thus needs to be addressed. Extreme sport hobbies lead to traumas and accidents. The causes and effects of teenage vaccination. Question: What caused the drug wars in Colombia? Can't imagine what I would've done without you. Health insurance policy monitoring with technology and its results. 4. Some people could think that mental health and social media has no relation, when it does. Mental health argumentative essay topics. What is the effect that a parent's divorce has on their children's dating and marriage relationships? What are the effects of being a part of co-housing? I think that some of that labeling can be positive and other aspects are negative. Dwight Goliday Jr from East Saint Louis on October 29, 2015: Wow. Not voting at all is worse than voting for the most damaging candidate. What causes so many healthcare providers to be overweight? What causes the father-daughter relationship to be so crucial in forming a woman's ability to have good relationships with other men? Complexes and lack of self-confidence are the effects of media beauty standards. What effect has cancer research had on stopping cancer deaths? What is the effect on children (or adults) of watching news reports of natural disasters, terrorist strikes, sexual predators, and other fearful situations? What causes families to buy unlimited cell phone plans? Answer: Your topic idea is current and would make an interesting paper. Introduction. What causes children without parents to come across the U.S. border? A negative perception of the Millennial generation is the impact of false stereotypes. For the next paragraph, start with the question "What causes employment syndrome?" they helped me to write a great essay and, so these topics make writers to write a good essay more about cause and effect. Question: What do you think of the topic, "What are the effects of video games on children?" What effect do longer school days have on a school's educational outcomes? Social causes are growing up in lot more ways, knowing it and having a knowledge about it through this site, will help a lot in many ways for people to understand there relationship and social problems. 4. You may begin your essay with a well-known situation and study what caused such a result or describe some outcome and then analize its consequences. Of course it is also possible to have a 3 body paragraph essay. The popularization of modeling leads to anorexia and bulimia. And towards tablets and smartphones have on oral health? cookie recipe the rise! To show that this helped you in less than a keyboard have cause and effect essay topics mental health personality ( or career ) effects. Online learning as they can in a structure that is why we to. Try to come legally your arguments and present your standpoint time - read more in our mental health everyone... Violent video games on young children or teenagers did help me a lot that! 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