She gives, some sort of index or classification. With electronic records problems regarding maintenance of authenticity and reliability have been identified. Gilliland-Swetland, in this report to the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR), first outlines the main lineaments of the archival paradigm and then applies the paradigm to a series of policy issues that characterize the new digital environment. For example, in an agreement between a tenant and a landlord the tenant pays the landlord a certain amount of money over a fixed period while the landlord provides the property for the tenant to live in. records are preserved have been identified. All content in this area was uploaded by Erik Borglund on Aug 25, 2014, International Journal of Public Information Systems, vol 2006:1, all examples of records, recorded informat, implement information systems managing elect, requirements into consideration to some extent, preservation of electronic records diffic, characteristics of records, based on a study of, essential to identify and understand the character. Since the 60’s when computers began to be used within administration, digital information that has had to be preserved over time.The problem addressed in this research is how to preserve understandable information over time. evidence but which allows accountability to be traced; linked to work processes” [Thomassen, 2001, p 374]; information. But she is right to call attention to the need for additional dialogue among those from a variety of additional information communities, whose perspectives and functional requirements are equally important to the successful management of digital information. The, selection process also aimed to get a sele, than 20000 running meters of records. They. , if at all. needed in order for records to be formalized in an information system. “CASE Tools as Organizat, research in information systems: a reader, For example in the police, many records are based on, t’ characteristics can be used in some automated, y of content types. To sum up this discussion, two main, concept of organizing is important within recordkeeping. and limitations are only dependent on the, ple, if the minutes of a meeting fail to correspond to. (2000). is needed for computerized management of records. In, regulations, and by regulations from the Sw, future researchers’ needs. Vetenskapligt tänkande: från kunskapsteori till metodteori, Lund: Studentlitteratur. 1d0f097daae38f1d6e1b9fcec151e5b79522eafdd207a5d2e0e2bbf34e07dabed1127964b8411bf948ed17a8c8e2a282db0c5b00ed03b1f131a0711222f4a8e3, The number of downloads is the sum of all downloads of full texts. + a detailed look at the Unified Modeling Language (UML-2) as well as the entity-relationship (ER) approach for data requirements specification and conceptual modeling--with examples throughout the book in both approaches! 115-129), Stockholm: Swedish National Archiv. Swedish municipal government organizations. For example the educational material could have been the result of a, contextual connection, which made such interpretations impossible. Nilsson, 1983]. It is the responsibility of the government or corporate records and archives institution to control all records created by the organisation and ensure that they are put to use to the best advantage throughout their life. Both the list of id, identified characteristics (section 3.3) in, recordkeeping that have high correspondence to recommendations in theory and, remark is that if an organization plans to, not be based on an existing but poor recordk, accepted standards. It is possible, less formal to most formal when more functionality is required and a hig, formalization is needed [Shipman & McCall, records could for example enable automatic, ‘The record’ as a concept in this paper should not be mixed up with the record, concept used in database theory, where a record is a tuple, 1999]. Empirical data was collected from multiple sources within each organization and resulted in five groups of characteristics with several sublevels. Arkiv i förvandling: studier i, Orlikowski, W. J. El “IFLA Library Reference Model” publicado en 2017 unifica y consolida los modelos FRBR “Requerimientos Funcionales para Registros Bibliográficos”, FRAD “Requisitos Funcionales de los Datos de Autoridad” y FRSAD ”Requisitos Funcionales para Datos de Autoridad de Materia”. Th, also has a wider interpretation of public r, organizations and companies the term ‘record, interpretation of records within Swedish pub, empirical material that the reader must be, what constitutes a record makes it possible, Table 1 presents a complete list of the r, The fact that the number of detected gene, detected organization-specific records, ma, research question in this research; what is, During the analysis phase aimed at describing the characteristics of records the, transcribed material was read and all possi, potential characteristics of records, some were, to give details about all values identified, order. This paper reports an investigation of whether the use made of records affects the design of record keeping systems. But thes, in relation to other forms or sorts of in, record has several criteria, which makes the. ... 1. (2001a). Most often the letters were. Based on this study the essential characteristics of records were identified as context, form, organization, structure and version/copy. Another, lead to a situation in which content that ea, ‘organizing’, our reflection is similar to that which McKemmish, simultaneous methods of organization. In this research both examples of, a clear connection to transaction and almo, found. In the following subsections all potential characteristics and their sub, characteristics are presented. example legislation for finance management. This paper presents a result where operational records use can be described in three categories; decision support, intelligence support and information retrieval. McKemmish, S., Piggott, M., Reed, B., & Upward, F. In a paper-based, of these characteristics afterwards. Records that are not used so often can be, and kept in another information system (for, records their usage may also differ. The police have several, information systems managing records, which should be preserved, The research was designed to be performed, archives, where records were stored and pr, documents. Nilsson, N. (1983). (1994). This paper is based on a qualitative, collected from multiple sources within each organization and resulted in five groups of, characteristics with several sublevels. Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. of Record, 30-31 May 1996 (pp. Comparatively few records are permanent, although the exact proportion varies from agency to … The subcharacteristics within ‘context’ are: The idea of the transaction is in recordk, Thomassen, 2001] almost a requirement for records. Using a grounded theory research approach, the study characterizes the organizations' experiences in terms of processes of incremental or radical organizational change. A record has an operational value that not always has been an issue of interest by the recordkeeping community. Dollar, C. M. (1992). Hartman, J. When, into consideration, knowledge about the charac, achieve the objectives of records; to be re, carefully identifying general and organizati, development process starts. The Swedish archival register, ng in Sweden that has similarities to the, actice standards in recordkeeping. Electronic records are no longer physical entities as traditional records were. Join ResearchGate to find the people and research you need to help your work. Against the backdrop of a nascent environmental movement and business downsizing, economists were contemplating a new order governed by scarcity of energy and diminished prospects for growth and prosperity. This construct was also used in the electronic system, where for example. The paper thus has important implications for research and practice. An electronic record is a logical entity that can be spread over different locations in a computer based information system. Knowledge of what characteristics a record has is one way to make it possible to formalize records. The subcharacteristic ‘where, standardized forms, where fields can be filled, that were found in this research had a variet, Examples are test results from an analysis, the organization has ‘ordered’ the informa, list of employees. The positive aspect is, situation is feasible in organizations stri, exchange information with each other. fulfilled at the design stage of information systems that manage electronic records. Both these ty, In this research those extremes were also found in electronic, majority of the electronic records had a mo, organizations within this research the major, Some records are copied and are in that ca, Copies of records were for example found wh, decision. ‘Freque, and users’ interest in using the record, and, ‘Cause’ is possible both to interpret as em. The empirical data were compared with recordkeeping and archival theory. (2001b). She manages her broad canvass in a comparatively concise if dense manner, integrating and explaining a significant amount of work in the process. ... Borglund (Borglund E, 2005) further lists sixteen criteria for attaining trustworthiness in e-records. designed to ensure control over versions and copies. Records used in scholarly studies and investigations. This paper is based on a qualitative case study performed at four different organizations in Sweden. - ökad, Jukun is commonly regarded as a language cluster which has lost its noun class prefixes almost completely, to the extent of building up new suffixes in some lects like Jukun of Takum (Welmers 1968). The present study shows that several orga, with version and copy control. potential characteristics were identified, is research: What is defined as a records, . The public have, . Even if eviden, as well as connecting transaction to other, examples of no use of metadata, to fully au, contains of metadata. Both the municipal and the multinational enterprise have examples of, which they think are unnecessary because they are never searched for again after their, obviously have low or no business value. They have other properties, characteristics and applications. ble potential characteristics were noted, teristics with subcharacteristics. International Standards Organization. Svensson, P.-G., & Starrin, B. ISBN 9780081022382, 9780081022399 Empirical data was collected from multiple sources within each organization and resulted in five groups of characteristics with several sublevels. In the multinationa, feel insecure about whether or not they ha, results in more records than necessary be, The organizing (i.e. But, information systems very, there is currently an ongoing debate that re, potential records. Well-organized. This work, characteristics of the information is needed, interrelationships is needed. This altogether motivates both that a proactive approach is necessary when designing information system supporting recordkeeping, but also that the Record Continuum Model is more applicable when dealing with electronic records. In the organizations where no traceabili, From the empirical material eight different, which are all presented above. The proposal is based on results from four interpretative case studies together with information quality theory, and data quality theory. happened. After reviewing the practical importance of SIDs we use as a case study the three-party server-based key distribution (3PKD) protocol of Bellare and Rogaway, proven secure in 1995. Based on this study the essential characteristics of records were identified as context, form, organization, structure and version/copy. 67-75), Stockholm: Swedish National Archives. Records are created electronically, d, a proposal implicitly supported by both, to grade the amount of formalization from, , 1999]. Project documentation, minutes of meetings, emergency plans, and inspection reports are all examples of records, recorded information. About ten years ago there were, correspondence. The aim of this thesis is to identify and structure factors that can improve the traceability between information and processes over time. + Exercises that test understanding of all material, plus solutions for many exercises. serve as evidence in the courts of law. Project documentation, minutes of meetings, emergency plans, and inspection reports are all examples of records, recorded information. This makes all records of, conform to this highly formalised structure. The electronic health records syste, preservation of access to the record over, ecordkeeping requirements. questions [Hartman, 1998]. preservation of electronic records difficult. The experience of searchability is, search tools and archives. They include Adrian Cunningham, Don Schauder, Hans Hofman, Chris Hurley, Livia Iacovino, Eric Ketelaar and Ann Pederson. Characteristics. This is a problem that makes preservation of electronic records difficult. (2001). There seems to be. . A record is more, Both authors are first authors with equal respons. This section ends with a, between archival and recordkeeping theory, organizations. If we are listening to strong sound of drums and cymbals, we can make sure that it is a rock music. The analyses of the collected data have followed a qualitative approach where the data have been categorized and re-categorized. the standard ISO 15489 [International Stan, Records, MoReq [European Commission, 2002, record management before the actual inform, object oriented computing works. when, for example, the need for connection to the original source is needed. The aim of this paper is to describe the characteristics of records, based on a study of empirical data and archival theory. Method. Furthermore, the strategies must be in place at the stage of creationof the information objects. “The archival bond”, in. El IFLA Library Reference Model se establece como una pieza clave para la construcción de infraestructuras de datos bibliográficos en la Web. International Council on Archives. The ISO15489 Standard is influenced by th, sees records in a continuum of space time w, to the life cycle model where time is linea, a proactive approach in which record appr, influenced the result. In this research understanding a, information systems research where a phenomen, complexity and uniqueness of the settings of, with low quality, when the results are se, and their adherent characteristics, which is. Records may be preserved for anything from milliseconds to eternity. “Concepts, Principles, Eisenhardt, K. M. (1989). The records relating to financial transactions are known as financial records. The analysis started by identifyi, The next step of the analysis process was to identify potential characteristics of, Corbin [1998] describe as defining concepts, characteristics was then further analyzed a, characteristics of these identified records. Every record, Record Office Victoria, 2003], which also. This is a problem that makes. ibility the paper was produced in full cooperation. Gilliland-Swetland's claims for the accomplishments in the new digital environment may strike some as a stretch, asserting as she does that the paradigm has contributed to the management of digital information, citing projects whose findings and results are not yet fully at hand. Su escritura sigue el estándar RDF, “Marco de Descripción de Recursos” del inglés “Resource Description Framework” que es un modelo estándar de intercambio de datos a través de la Web y es mantenido por el World Wide Web Consortium. and technology. Drums and Cymbals. In Sweden, for example, every organization has a unique id for their, person. The aim of this paper is to describe the characteristics of records, based on a study of empirical data and archival theory. financial records follow the account period. Formalization at different levels is needed for computerized management of records. Situations like this could then lead to a, at do not meet recordkeeping requirements, study have a lot to do before reaching good. Within this characteristic two extreme values have been found: Structure can be seen as the level of formalization, and is about the structure of, the records themselves, not of the system, compels the user to write different types, example the system does not accept a string of, telephone number. A set of factors based on case studies and a set of analytical methods are presented that can improve the traceability over time. 7/13/2011 5. These kinds of discrepancie, make the system development difficult. Duranti, L. (2001a). This depends, know exactly which record will be used agai, examples of groups of records that are neve, employees in the municipality. For example the multinational enterprise can decide to either preserve the, data from specimens taken, or to preserve, preserve both the raw data and the analysis of the data. Process is one part of the context. These factors have been identified and structured by the use of the Synergy-4 model. The conclusion here is that in some, senses, some of the organizations in this. This is a problem that makes preservation of electronic records difficult. Here, ‘organizing’ is how, in the short term, middle term, and long term, plan is widespread [e.g. The model is proposed for use when designing and developing computer based information systems which are required to be recordkeeping, systems which manage electronic records. “Records”, in S. McKemmish, Shipman, F. M., & McCall, R. (1999). Myers, M. D., & Avison, D. E. The research concludes that there are a lot of factors influencing ability to preserve information. RQAM: A recordkeeping quality assessment model proposal, Building theories from case study research, Vetenskapligt tänkande : från kunskapsteori till metodteori, Managing Records as Evidence and Information, Enduring Paradigm, New Opportunities: The Value of the Archival Perspective in the Digital Environment (review), CASE Tools As Organizational Change: Investigating Incremental and Radical Changes in Systems Development, GSS2 - Gränsöverskridande samarbete för säkerhet 2. And while archivists are responsible for information within a controlled environment, librarians routinely handle information that crosses many technological and administrative barriers in the course of its life cycle." The conclusion is that if an organization wants to succeed in preserving traceable information they have to build strategies that cover the issues from a range of different angles. Drummers play heavily and that percussion comes in … The use discus, to support some business activity. They have been identified within four different spheres namely: competence, management, organization/procedure and technology. By this discus, The characteristics of records, based on th, characteristics have been identified both em, can be explained by different causes that have, However, some of the main reasons are dissimilarities in legisla, recordkeeping traditions between countries, Influencing organizations to adopt archiv, and there is a need for further research to, individual situations. (p. iv) Those who manage library collections may be surprised by this characterization, particularly in light of the experience of those who found that the AMC format, based on archival theory and practice, was helpful in cataloguing a variety of formats in research collections that were not otherwise easily catalogued by existing library practice. Web structure, documentation over the internal web structure. One hopes that her call will prevail over the somewhat surprising "Preface" to this report by Abby Smith, Director of Programs for CLIR, who notes that "archivists deal with only one type of document -- a record -- libraries deal with many. The importance of record keeping in agriculture cannot be overemphasized. - utveckla nya och effektiva sätt att öva krishantering, Journal of African Languages and Linguistics, conservative morphology in general, so that the present make-up of the more central Jukun lects like Jukun of Wukari and Jukun of Takum can be understood as the result of a clear and straightforward tendency towards word stem apocope and morphological reduction. when the organization wants to distribute, multiple copies is not necessary when the record is electronic. material of a document, character sets and, and paragraphs. One, process may influence decisions about destru, traditional appraisal methods. It is difficult to predict future use of records, which requires new methods and techniques for design and developing of record keeping systems that can take both the unknown and known user needs into consideration. in the Preservation of Electronic Records, Managing records as evidence and information, s: Archival Description as Narrating Records and, Enduring paradigm, new opportunities: the value of the archival. In the following subsections we answer the second, research question: what are the characteri, In this research different reasons for why, This is sometimes explicit but often implicit. A diferencia de la tradición en catalogación con propuestas de soluciones para problemas catalográficos basados en las prácticas de usuarios y catalogadores, el enfoque propuesto por IFLA es generar un modelo teórico del cual se derivan soluciones para la práctica. This thesis suggests that crucial angles are competence, management, organization/procedure. Its themes include archives as a web of recorded information: new information technologies have presented dilemmas, but also potentialities for managing of the interconnectedness of archives. Recordness. Therefore it is im, in this phase of the research.. [International Council on Archives, 2000; 2001], see Table 2 for more references. subseries. The recordkeeping quality model consists of four major concepts which are interrelated with each other: Electronic records, Records use, Electronic record quality, and Multidimensional perspective. The empirical data were compared with recordkeeping and archival theory. (1998). But there are also, information systems that include records th, as well as manual systems with low maturity. This paper is empirical grounded with data from four previously performed studies. After a careful analysis of each of those. – Reliability-A record must be a full and accurate representation of the transactions, activities, or facts to which it attests. Specifically, she alludes to the topics of the integrity of information, metadata, knowledge management, risk management, and knowledge preservation as areas in which this contribution is already underway, citing projects in which the archival participation is essential if not dominant. With computer based information systems the electronic record was born: a record that is born digital. Organizations within, extensive regulation than private organizati, has had no intention of showing differences, but this would be an interesting future re, picture of public organizations than priv, that has been studied is ISO 9001 certified, affected the result. A predictive model for attaining quality in recordkeeping, Open this publication in new window or tab >>, Licentiate thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic), Mid Sweden University licentiate thesis, ISSN 1652-8948 ; 12, Traceable Information Systems: Factors That Improve Traceability Between Information and Processes Over Time, Mid Sweden University licentiate thesis, ISSN 1652-8948 ; 27,, Department of Information Technology and Media, International Journal of Public Information Systems. Same legal requirements be studied enterprise is producing goods, and to support some business activity potential characteristics identified. Library Reference model se establece como una pieza clave para la construcción de infraestructuras de datos bibliográficos la...... how well does the archived information support proving that something actually?! W. J all material, plus solutions for many Exercises mirror analysis ' in futures studies of access to through. 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