Could the human kill the animal? The alpha male wolf is displaying is dominance. A dog trained to fight humans (K9 german shepherd or something) you're dead if it wants you dead. Edit: this is a hypothetically set up situation, this isn't a situation of me being in the wild and coming across a single wolf. The answer is yes, although I suspect you underestimate the power and lightening-fast reflexes of a wolf. The same principle applies to hit points: the DM can use the average from the statblock or instead roll for more randomness. Cookies help us deliver our Services. It can attack from one powerful place (it's mouth) and I can attack from 4 (or 5 if I am that brave). An investigator suspected that the attacking wolves might have lost their fear of people after eating at open garbage dumps. Delve deeply in Wolf symbolism and meaning to find out how this Animal Spirit Guide can support, assist, and inspire you. Realistically, what is the largest animal that this human would be able to beat in said fight? So,i just had this weird thought of an average build man vs an average wolf.The man cant use anything else than his body against the wolf and the wolf cant use his souroundings against the man.So,how and why would the wolf/man win? If you find yourself unexpectedly faced with a wolf, your first priority … For example severing a main artery or vein or even clamping around the windpipe. I can't tell if this is serious or a novelty account. Some dogs are braver than others. I am under no illusions that I would have a very slim chance of winning against 2 wolves and against 3 or more I would be killed no questions asked. Other examples of berserkers can also be found in written media, with perhaps one of the most well-known examples being the eponymous Berserk franchise. Wolf helps you harness your innermost wild nature so you can protect your emotional and physical well-being. Bear/wolf calm down and I get to live. The answer is yes, although I suspect you underestimate the power and lightening-fast reflexes of a wolf. I have been in several fights with stray/wild dogs in South East Asia, a few in packs and a few one-on-one. I know how wolves attack and could easily use that to my advantage, I know how to make myself appear larger and how to frighten a wolf. Edit for more info (and I corrected some spelling): I would consider the arena we are in to be closed off so I know there is only one wolf. I think that also as long as I keep it directly in front of me and act aggressively that I could force it to back down. I am not a smoker and I am also trained in wilderness survival and first aid. ... As to the wolf the human could probably come out on top, wolves are used to hunting in packs using teamwork. I could kick the crap out of a domesticated cat. Wolf-dog Hybrids I can go on all day with the facts and the experience I have on this subject. It would be flat ground but there would be trees around. He sleeps all night and he hunts all day. In terms of strength and speed, the animal would definitely win. In terms of strength and speed, the animal would definitely win. Wolf Attacks are Unlikely In other words, unwisely encroaching on a wolf, threatening it, or doing the same to its young could lead to a wolf attacking. Dogs were insanely overpowered. Wolf spirit can help! People have escaped dog/alligator/etc attacks.. Disabling an animal early on in the fight by targeting a vulnerable part (eyes, throat) seems the only way. Yeah, you probably win. Your femur can withstand about 900lbs of force, thats the strongest bone in the human body and wolf could crush it. One of the most difficult parts about fighting dogs is that they are extremely fast. That said, canines, like many other large predators, have a particular vulnerability which can be exploited with greater and lesser degrees of success by humans. Press J to jump to the feed. With only a few inches insertion, respiration can be profoundly restricted, causing the dog to expire within 30 seconds to a minute. Depredation. Dominant Tail : A confident alpha male or female carries its tail high, as a visible sign of authority, signaling a leadership role in the pack structure. This could be through what the handler sees as discipline (and may consider it unprovoked), but the wolf likely sees it as antagonistic. Unarmed? I am in my human form. Would the human survive without immediate medical attention? I would always end up crouching in a corner with my pistol out. You're soft and squishy, and live in a house. I attempted this with just a 60-70lb dog. As I play this battle out in my mind, I envision the animal leaping at me, followed by me kicking it mid-leap, and then jumping around the dazed animal and choking it from behind. Pure gold. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The omega wolf, the lowest member in the pack hierarchy, displays its role physically by assuming a crouched position when approaching another wolf. I imagine the wolf would go for a shin, fore arm, hand, foot as that's what you'd be using to fight with and after you get one of those broken mid fight, it'd be over for you. If a dog wearing a collar attacks you it's probably game over for the dog. I'll do another post soon on how to properly field dress, skin, and prepare a dog for eating. The only rule is that weapons are strictly forbidden. Ahh ok so I just push my fist down its throat... thanks *dusts potato chip crumbs off t-shirt*, TIL how to kill a wolf with my bare hands. A wolf would fuck any human up. Nature has designed feral canines, mentally and physically, to attack fleeing prey using mouth structures specifically configured to keep bitten animals from pulling away. I am about 5 foot 11, I weight about 160ish pounds and am 22 and fairly fit. I figure that even though the animal I'm fighting would potentially be stronger than me and have a massive mouth and huge teeth, my hands/arms would swing the fight in my favor. Threatening one wolf could lead to an entire pack attacking. I am glad I have proof I am 60% Wolf! I would not have anything with me but I could pick up and use anything that I found. However, humans can reason/plot, which would benefit them immensely. A government report [PDF] published in 2002 found there have been 49 well-documented cases of aggression toward … Both sides are bloodlusted. If you fight back then the animal's desire to kill is very much secondary to its desire to run away and not get hurt. From the small number of documented attacks, it can be concluded that the vast majority of wolves do not pose any threat to human safety. He bit the fuck out of my hand, and everything I knew that I should do was replaced with "Get This Fucking Dog Off Of My Hand, NOW.". Try to stand with your back against a tree or rock, and use sticks, bear spray, or anything else to stop the attack. It's been nearly a year, and I still can't quite make a fist. The wolves at the animal sanctuary were active today. Could a human win a fight against a wolf? Would a decently fit human be able to beat a large dog or wolf in a fight to the death? A few more seconds and … It depends on what you consider winning. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. For the hyena to win one well placed bite 'could' be enough. If a strong human male got his hands around the neck of a wolf he should be able to strangle it to death. It could easily be done with a few good kicks or eye gauges. share. This might be the best strategy for that situation, however, it's much easier said than done. A more likely scenario would be if you entered the enclosure of a captive wolf pack that had been habituated to people to some degree. There's an awesome account of a hunter who was attacked and eventually killed by a pack of wolves in Canada I think, which you can find on Wikipedia by searching for 'wolf attacks on humans'. With proper resolve, the animal can be held in place and the bitten arm shifted so that a fist can be pushed into the dog's throat and esophagus. I dedicate my life to be a wolf. I would just start giving it a sensual handjob. But one wolf I think I could take. Currently, there are an estimated 10,000 to 20,000 wolves in Europe, 60,000 in the former Soviet Union, and 60,000 in North America. The fight would have to play out as above for the human to win. Moral of the message is don't fuck with wolves while alone under any circumstances, I really don't care how trained you are. Only after his rifle stock broke did he succumb to the pack. A wolf will attack a human as a defensive reaction. Unless you're a trained hand to hand fighter you're gonna lose. pitbulls are usually pretty small compared to "large dogs". of keeping wolf attacks in perspective. Gold. Depends on the person and animal but generally speaking, humans are actually quite strong. (Article continues below video.) Here are some pictures/facts Pitbull bite force: 130-235 lbs Pitbull Teeth: Wolf bite force: 406 lbs Wolf … Depends what kind of animal. As someone who's had direct experience with captured and hybrid wolves, I can tell you that unless you've been in the presence of one of these animals -- particularly a healthy adult gray -- you simply cannot understand the beast's incredible strength and destructive potential. Your best hope is to maybe grab a stick and hold it off for a bit till you can climb a tree or get to some sort of safety (indoors). One world-wide controversial aspect of wolf-human interactions is the incidence and mitigation of wolf depredation, or wolves killing domestic livestock and pets. 13 comments. The only way we can win is to outwit them but that is pretty hard also. The lynx is much stockier and agile hunter than the wolf. The 7 represents the average damage the wolf does on a successful attack. The recommended survival technique for an attacking 'domesticated' dog (extrapolation is necessary, for obvious reasons) is to offer the forearm, then use the free arm to secure the back of the animal's head. The fight must be purely physical, e.g impacts/lacerations/crushing. Something that should seriously be considered, is that even if it appears you're in a fight with a lone wolf, realize that they are by nature pack-like creatures and once engaged there is a very good chance that the sounds of combat will draw his friends from out of the woodwork and no matter how good your tactics had been up until that point, if that fucking wolf still has your forearm as his buddies start sprinting out of the trees towards you, you're very likely going to be a dead man. Cardio? I imagine (with little to no factual evidence to back me up) that a wolf would be braver than most dogs and if I ever encountered one I would expect to get bit. Possible but unlikely. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. Just when you think you've lined up a kick to the face, the dog has retreated and another one is moving in from another side. You'd probably be better off stuffing your weak arm at it and going for an eyeball. Domestic cats can be predatory animals. Wolf attacks on humans are extremely rare. Yes. Kicking in mid-air is a great fantasy but in real life, what happens when you miss? r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. People always laughed, even my own family! I think the animals would win. Edit 2: I'm not saying it would be easy, but I reply think that I would be able to do it and of course I would sacrifice arms or legs for the greater good if I had to. Basically, he killed 7 of the fuckers with his rifle, then another four by bludgeoning them to death with it after he ran out of ammunition. Wolf, as a Spirit, Totem, and Power Animal, can help! – discuss] As someone who's had direct experience with captured and hybrid wolves, I can tell you that unless you've been in the presence of one of these animals -- particularly a healthy adult gray -- you simply cannot understand the beast's incredible strength and destructive potential. Another provoked attack may happen if a shepherd is trying to defend their flock from a predatory wolf and the human gets between predator and prey. If the DM prefers not to roll for damage done by enemies, they can use that value instead. The series follows the story of the protagonist, Guts, a mercenary born into a life of fighting and battle. If human has a knife/knives, then yes, he's got a shot. An adult gray wolf can easily bite through even the thickest moose bones; a fleshy human neck provides little obstacle. Snapping dogs/wolves' necks can be done!! A fight of the wolf with the Eurasian lynx can be quite a tough one. I would obviously not engage because of the possibility of more hidden wolves in the trees. If a dog is lunging and you want to hit it, use your fist. Wolf, you die. No matter what though, you are not going to have a good day. As soon as the attack stops, get to safety by climbing a tree or hiding inside a building, since it’s possible the wolf could … Strength? Don't know about the first round but with the longsword I give it to the human 8/10 against A wolf. However, they have no physiological mechanism for preventing an object from being 'pushed into' their mouths and throats. Please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE if you enjoyed! The legs are then wrapped around the canine's torso and the animal rolled onto its back. The lynx, especially the Eurasian lynx is a huge predator experienced in hunting large prey such as deer…. Even if it's a single dog, attacking the air can be quite tiring and allows the dog can move in when you fuck up. He said that the man had apparently been feeding the wolves regularly and that this could cause them to lose their fear of people. Avoiding triggering an attack. But my spirit is a wolf. If you're alone in wolf country, you better have some serious firepower at your fingertips. A leg is much too large a target for the dog not to bite down on to. Many fatal wolf attacks are carried out by wolves with rabies that caught the disease from other species of animals. Only fight the wolf off as a last resort after it has attacked you. Luigi Boitani, wolf expert, expressed a different opinion in a 2015 interview with Spiegel. Don't fuck around. Desire to kill? One qualifier, all of this depends on the animal being aggressive enough to want to hurt you. I am at work so I will not be able to respond all the time but I will read and respond as soon as I can. you brahs really think people could whoop a wolfs ass in a fight? I was having this debate over lunch today with my buddies, and was entirely convinced that I would be able to take on a big dog. I have always said I was a wolf since I was 4. Cardio, strength, and desire to kill would put the animal at the upper hand. Would it be easier to snap their necks Call Of Duty style, or am I playing too much video games? Even with the treatments doctors have today, a bite near the head by a rabid wolf could still result in a human fatality. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. A person in wolf country 2. With animals like this the risk of an attack is much higher. Humans have vastly greater endurance than just about any mammal. She thinks that I would be killed. If this were a premeditated fight, a human could probably learn to kill most animals with their bare hands. Keeping the Wolf from the Door, by John Hart, wildlife biologist with the U.S. Department of Agriculture – Wildlife Services program in Minnesota. This was exciting to watch! Press J to jump to the feed. A tame dog? So what do you think friends, could an average person (and me) take on a single wolf? Characters, on the other hand, roll for their damage. If this were a premeditated fight, a human could probably learn to kill most animals with their bare hands. However, there already is a Chinese food subreddit. However, humans can reason/plot, which would benefit them immensely. Fenrir, also called Fenrisúlfr, monstrous wolf of Norse mythology.He was the son of the demoniac god Loki and a giantess, Angerboda.Fearing Fenrir’s strength and knowing that only evil could be expected of him, the gods bound him with a magical chain made of the sound of a cat’s footsteps, the beard of a woman, the breath of fish, and other occult elements. A wolf bit one resident, then gnawed on another man's door. And I know he did use weapons, but even without I think with what he showed you could probably take a few bare handed before they finished you. When it comes to size and agility, the wolf seems to be a little bit disadvantaged. Wolves are designed to chase down very large prey and kill quickly. Ordinarily a dog will, at this point, attempt to dislodge the forearm from its mouth and get back to its feet. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Pack or no pack a single wolf can still bring down a large animal. Nothing comes between a pack and its pups! The wolf severely injured this man when he and his brother came out to fight the wolf. Wolves are naturally aggressive, but wolves with rabies are exceptionally aggressive and very dangerous. They are masters of baiting and feinting. Wolves are pack animals, which means that a wolf is not likely to be alone. However, if an animal attacked a human in nature I'm pretty sure the human would lose. Also you need to play Modern Warfare! Otherwise several bites could lead to death by excessive blood loss. Michelle Prosser, adult, female October 15, 2013 Predatory Merritt, British Columbia, Canada Wolves stalked a woman and her dogs on a forestry road, fatally injuring one dog. Most dogs or wolves will leave you alone unless you're really hungry, really scared, or in a pack. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. I think this fight could go both ways. yes they are pack hunters but it if was threatened it would fight back, you phaggots think no human could whoop a pitbull in a fight. My girlfriend and I have a long standing disagreement, mainly that I think one on one I could beat a single wolf or at least force it not to fight. Animals which have to hunt for a living know how to kill things while expending the least amount of energy possible. If the wolf grabs a limb with its jaws a human could jump in the air and drop a knee (and all his weight) and land directly on the back of the neck of the wolf and break its neck. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. He kicks a wolfs' ass, He wears a field dress. 3. Hand to hand you'd get ripped to shit - and you'd be shit a day or so later when you're digested and the wolf shits you out. Also a great way to get yourself bit. The bottom line is a full-grown timber wolf would overwhelm the most experienced fighting dog. They realize that you're big and could hurt them, so they'll usually look for an easier prey. [relevant? However, if an animal attacked a human in nature I'm pretty sure the human would lose. In terms of fighting an animal 1v1, you are at the disadvantage in nearly every aspect. "I'll do another post soon on how to properly field dress, skin, and prepare a dog for eating.". What? JUST like I predicted. So instead of expressing an opinion, have an upvote. But, I would also expect to survive. We can win is to outwit them but that is pretty hard also and a few in packs a... Am 22 and fairly fit a fleshy human neck provides little obstacle are to... Causing the dog leg is much too large a target for the dog not to roll for damage done enemies! I still ca n't tell if this is serious or a novelty account I... 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