on the type of problems whether one or the other place is more appropriate; for instance, if most of the discrepancies are expected to come from land property issues and indemnifications, the Administration Unit is a more suitable location for the permanent legal adviser. iv. There are two types of financial control: one internal, exercised as a routine operation by the Chief of the Administration, with its main purpose being to control that expenditure on the scheme does not exceed the available resources. Government receives part of the farm income through fixed shares in the capital cost. Reference has already been made to the establishment of applied research or demonstration farms and the convenience of their being self-financing activities. The above issues illustrate how delicate the question of increasing water rates can be if all the pertinent data are not to hand. 8.3 Financial They might answer phones and support customers, organize files, prepare documents, and schedule appointments. There are several methods for determining the amount to be paid as the water fee. Is there malpractice in the collection of fees? Administrative support professionals may also need an understanding of office technology, such as common administrative computer software. Exceptions to this are the Water/Irrigation Districts of the USA (see Annex I) and those of Spain where large administrative units exist. Administrative work can encompass a wide variety of duties. is sometimes leased to farmers within the scheme. If your company experiences seasonal peaks or lands a special … These duties are often performed by a secretary, receptionist, administrative assistant, executive assistant or office manager. Transport staff also frequently come under the responsibility of the Administrative Service, although some of the drivers permanently attached to other units or persons may depend hierarchically on that unit. Ramani Ayer: A former president and CEO of Hartford Financial Services. Although water rates are often below the actual needs of a water management organization, increasing them is not the only answer to solving the financial viability of the organization. Senior executive assistant. The variable rate is meant to cover the variable expenses (mainly O&M) and therefore changes from year to year. On the other hand, it has the disadvantage that the farmer's production must be evaluated annually, and this is often a controversial issue because farmers tend to disagree with the evaluation made. In an attempt to reduce the unfairness of the previous method, the payment per hectare or acre of crop grown is sometimes introduced, especially when the crops have large differences in water consumption. Are the farmers informed about what they are paying for? Describe the features of different types … One of the secretaries or clerks in the Administrative Service is usually responsible for this operation. Services Everywhere Assistant offers a wide range of services. Binomial rates are preferable to monomial because technically it is a more precise method of billing, although it is not always fully understood by the farmers. crop production, marketing and social aspects, the Administrative Service may viability of the organization A continuous drain on public funds to help part of the agricultural sector is unlikely to continue or be allowed to continue for long in many countries. This is a more suitable solution, especially if labour is not too expensive. Database Administrator Job Description: Salary, Skills, & More. The Administration Service must provide him with early warning of possible adverse financial situations so that he may make decisions that will minimize repercussions. This is one of the purposes of the so-called 'reserve fund'. Accounting is normally done by a professional accountant and supervised by the Chief Accountant (large irrigation schemes), or by the Chief of the Administrative Service in medium-size schemes. Are the funds collected through the water rates utilized on the same project? These clerks typically require a high school diploma, while bookkeepers, accountants, and auditing clerks require some postsecondary education. Mail Clerks: Postal service clerks receive, sort, and deliver mail. One of the few instances in which this occurs is when the scheme is responsible for an agricultural demonstration or practical trial of applied r research, as pointed out in Chapter 7. However, that type of accounting does not provide sufficient information for the scheme manager on expenditure incurred by the main organizational units. A good communication system between the head office and the water guards, gate keepers and other maintenance personnel is an indispensable means of work. The fact remains that in most instances the water fees are insufficient to cover the services which the water management organization should provide. Find out Which Are the Highest Paid Hourly Jobs, Sample Cover Letter for an Administrative Coordinator, Want to Work in Advertising? In other words, what is the weight of the cost of the water in the total production costs? Sometimes the irrigation associations are audited at the request of the Board of Directors or the General Assembly. Equipment (tractors, pump sets, land planes, etc.) Administrative professionals support their organizations with a wide variety of services to free management of administrative detail. iii. Higher administrative grade (above super time scale) (Pay level 15) Divisional commissioner. It is the primary service, which heads all the major departments which run the state and central administration. The binomial rate is made up of two components: one fixed rate, which is constant for a number of years, and a variable rate which changes from year to year. decreasing rates. Some of the critical issues which need careful consideration in this analysis are: ii. Despite of this, I feel that they constitutes a system that allows to discuss problems of administrative quality and plan projects aimed at improving it. Concentrating administrative activities in a single unit allows for better control by the scheme manager and reduces conflicts between the other units. Service Culture is built on elements of leadership principles, norms, work habits and vision, mission … tel. The case in Egypt is interesting: farmers do not pay directly for water but, because the irrigation canals are below the ground surface, water must be lifted to the farm with the traditional norias (sakhia) or with modern pumps. There are also financial clerks who perform less specified duties, such as carrying out financial transactions and helping customers. Administrative services managers plan, coordinate, and direct a broad range of activities that allow organizations to run efficiently. They answer phones, greet customers, and answer questions about the organization. With centralized administration, there is a hub site. Entry level administrative assistants answer phone calls, perform data entry and file documents, and may be required to handle overflow from their superiors. 80% or more of annual equivalent costs of construction (major projects). The other, external control, is often carried out by external auditors; its main purpose is to control that all financial operations are according to established rules and regulations. Business: The administrative organizational structure is also easy to see in different companies and its departments like Human Resources Department, Marketing Department, Financial Department, etc. There are two main alternatives for organizing the administrative services: one, which is the most common, consists of having all the administrative activities centralized in a single unit providing its support to the other services. 8.1.2 Procurement 8.2.3 Monomial and binomial In addition to being able to show initiative, the ability to work … The accounting of a water management organization is relatively simple because most of the transactions are within the scheme and those outside it are generally limited to purchasing a few supplies. Receptionists: Receptionists perform a variety of administrative tasks. Typical administrative duties include scheduling meetings, making travel arrangements, handling written, telephone and electronic communications, maintaining records and creating and distributing reports. Do they participate in any way in the determination of the water rates? A unit, or person (depending on the size of the irrigation scheme), is normally made responsible for this task. Water rates are the sum paid by the farmer as his contribution to government These modes of payment are the most common but there are other indirect ways of recovering the investments made and O&M expenditures. It will not be the first time that a substantial increase has been suggested in an irrigation scheme and failed because the farmers have refused to pay it. They often gather information to help the company. An administrative services manager is the person who makes sure this happens by coordinating its supportive services. An administrative medical secretary is generally responsible … This may lead to some inefficiencies because it is difficult for any one person to master several different functions, but it is unavoidable in small schemes. iii. of the administrative service, 8.1.1 Accounting The complexity of an Administrative Service depends on the A monomial rate is a single sum paid for the water received. Furthermore, international loan agencies insist more and more on the need to use sound economic policies in the agriculture sector and, consequently, consider that expenditure on O&M should be totally self-financing and at least some recovery made on the initial investment. They receive payments, record financial information, and arrange for payment of overdue bills. They are based on different economic theories and are described in detail in many publications (see references). An administrative services organization (ASO) is an organization that provides outsourced solutions to meet the administrative and HR needs of the client, with the client retaining all employment-related risks and liabilities. The smaller the scheme the greater is the concentration of functions in the few people who have to carry out the administrative work. The following are examples of types of administrative services managers: Facility managers oversee buildings, grounds, equipment, and supplies. There is a need to develop simple administrative procedures which can be easily understood by lower-level staff. Much of a manager's success depends on his ability to continue operating the scheme's activities under such difficult conditions. The most widespread cause of poor operation and maintenance is the lack of sufficient funds to undertake this work adequately. Only by measuring the water can the farmer know the volume consumed and if it was suitable for the plant's needs. A tax on the land is paid. Many socialist countries have special land taxes for irrigated agriculture, though there is an increasing tendency to price water for agriculture by some of the methods mentioned. This will provide a good indication of the need for improving productivity. This subject has already been mentioned in several instances in Part I, and because of its importance is discussed in more detail later in the text. v. Use of calculators and mini-computers: calculators and particularly minicomputers can be very useful tools to accelerate data processing and to store data. Administrative systems including admissions, financials, human resources and student information systems. A fixed amount is paid annually per hectare as a water rate. The Administrative Service is involved in the setting of the water rates for its organization's irrigation schemes, bearing in mind the expenses. Up to 50% of major works including main and primary canals. The three types of services recruited through the Civil Services Examination are All India Services, Central Services, and State Services. Because administration is such a broad category, there are many different administrative job titles. No interest was charged on repayment loans until recently. The same applies to the Irrigation Assistance Service which basically has a training function. Every company, regardless of the industry, has administrative duties that need to be handled in order for the company to run efficiently. The library material should be controlled by only one person, usually the secretary of the Chief of Administration. Only the cashier and the Principal Administrative Officer support the whole scheme. Administrative Assistants and Secretaries: Secretaries and administrative assistants perform a variety of administrative and clerical duties. The great advantage of the method is its simplicity for billing, charging and accounting. This kind of service should be supplied whenever possible provided that it does not interfere with the regular operation and maintenance activities; however, it should not be encouraged because not all the farmers may get the same chances to use the service. Some of the more common administrative services offered are payroll processing, payroll administration, benefits administration, and corporate benefits. There are different ways of calculating the water rate charged to the farmer; the main methods are: Their main characteristics are described below. Therefore its size and staffing depend largely on the services that are offered (operations, maintenance, irrigation assistance, etc.) Some irrigation schemes have a permanent auditor retained throughout the year, but more often auditing is done during periodic visits to the scheme. 8.2.1 Determination The salaries too differ as per the post and category of the Services. pay more, at prefixed rates, than the other crops. Generally, accounts are organized by major item of expenditure or purchase as indicated in the vertical list of accounts given in the example in Table 9. Read below for a description of each job type. Careful scrutiny of the costs may disclose that many of the corresponding activities are not so necessary or can be done at lower cost. iv. Administrative Jobs: Options, Job Titles, and Descriptions, Here Is a Comprehensive List of Healthcare and Medical Job Titles, Retail Careers: Options, Job Titles, and Descriptions, Check out This Extensive List of Customer Service Job Titles, Accounting Careers: Job Options, Titles, and Descriptions. Public services are services offered or controlled by a government. operate smoothly. Admin. ASO involves hiring an external services provider, called third-party administrators, to handle the administration of a company’s self-funded health benefits. A small technical library is very useful, especially in remote places where access to technical information is limited. To illustrate this point, Table 10 gives an idea of the financially linked incentive (which could also be regarded as a subsidy) offered by the government in some selected countries. Although there could also be good reasons to maintain this principle, it should be remembered that unless the farmer is helped to maximize his agricultural income, the purpose of irrigation may not be fully realized. Given this wide variation in circumstances, it is difficult to provide reasonable standards of manpower rates which fit all the existing situations. You might also use this list to encourage your employer to change the title of your position to better fit your responsibilities. 8.1.5 Various. However, some job titles describe very different types of jobs. In some countries, the water rates actually correspond to a theoretical calculation (France, USA, Spain, etc.) They typically need at least some coursework or experience with spreadsheet computer programs. Table 10 INCENTIVES TO IRRIGATION DEVELOPMENT IN SELECTED COUNTRIES1. Your administrative duties could include scheduling, answering phones, typing, taking dictation, organization and similar activities. 8.5 Organizational alternatives. Water payment methods: payment per unit of land is a simple method requiring little administrative work, while the volumetric method with binomial rates is much more complex and requires a considerable amount of additional work and staff. https://www.thebalancecareers.com/administrative-job-titles-2061489 The scheme manager should ensure that safety measures are adhered to by all the staff on the scheme. In spite of the desirability of this method, its introduction often meets resistance and difficulties. Some water management organizations are allowed to levy water rates for uses other than farming, for instance small industries, water supply to villages, washing of minerals, small hydropower units, the watering of gardens, etc. In order to apply this method effectively, every farm must have a measuring device (meter) recording the amount of water used. Use this list when searching for a job in administrative work. It is worth mentioning that in Mexico most of the administrative data are centralized in a large computer of the SARH (Secretaría de Agricultura y Recursos Hídricos) and many of the big irrigation schemes are connected with it through terminals. and to cover the expenses related to the operation, maintenance and administration The entity of these operations is usually small and mostly of an emergency nature (dewatering a flooded field, repairing large field canals, etc.). MyOutDesk is your partner in the remote workplace with over 13 years of experience serving 6,000 clients.Last year, we saved our clients $55 Million Dollars as the highest-rated Virtual Assistant company with more than 600 verified 5-star business reviews — schedule a Business Strategy Session with us now & learn what sets us apart! Apply to Customer Service Representative, Administration Manager, Administrative Assistant and more! Additionally, in many irrigation schemes it has been found most helpful to keep an account for each farmer in which all the transactions between him and the scheme are registered. Therefore, in such cases, a change of the scheme's by-laws will be needed to undertake supporting activities aimed at improving the purchase of inputs and the sale of agricultural products. To be productive, an organization must run smoothly. Since this is the prevailing situation on many irrigation schemes, it is obvious that such a method of payment is not equitable for many of the farmers. Answering these calls and tending to customers' needs is an administrative duty that can affect the success or failure of a corporation. Some of these titles, like “administrative assistant” and “program administrator,” refer to jobs with very similar duties. Besides the set accounts, a Day Book or Diary must be kept as is usual in good accounting; all financial operations are registered in it daily with an indication of the account to which the movement must be charged. Financial Clerks: This job type includes bookkeeping, accounting, and auditing clerks. All official incoming and outgoing mail should be registered in a log book and properly filed. Press office. Officer). The may also assist customers either on the phone or in person. However, administrative assistants often have a higher degree of responsibility. This is the most desirable method of payment since it encourages efficient water use by maintaining a constant relation between the amount of water used and the payment to be made. Annual rates are made through monomial or binomial rates. But now that the tables have turned and I have a team of administrative professionals supporting me, I’ve become acutely aware of exactly what is involved in defining and building a partnership with your support team and how vitally important it is to develop a strong partnership with the executive(s) and team(s) you support. Depending on the type and size of the healthcare system, healthcare administration may involve a number of teams working in unison to manage the system at every level. 8.2.4 Increasing or These clerks produce and maintain financial records for companies. All capital construction costs and part of operation and maintenance costs. However, interest (6%) is paid on capital cost. For more information about each job type, check out the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Occupational Outlook Handbook. ASO involves hiring an external services provider, called third-party administrators, to handle the administration of a company’s self-funded health benefits. Busy seasons and special projects. but in many others the water rates paid bear little or no relation to the calculated fees. Table 11 MANPOWER REQUIREMENTS FOR AN ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE1, Executive Officer/Chief of Administration, Records and Statistics (Aux. A typical example is desilting. The scheme's by-laws sometimes forbid that the scheme management enters into transactions for any other input than water. Such an Administrative Unit or Service is normally under the direct supervision of the scheme manager. Sometimes this payment covers only O&M expenses, while others cover part of the repayment of the investments. in order that continuous administrative support is provided for each of these Services. of the administrative service 8.1.4 Personnel matters Evaluating administrative quality As the ultimate goal of administration is ensuring smooth running of the organization’s processes, the quality of administration should be measured by how smooth the processes actually run. Stringent control should be kept of changes in stock in order to produce clear statements of the stock situation at any given moment. Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 However, investigations carried out in several places (Pakistan, Mexico) indicate that more than 50 percent of the farmers deviate by more than 10 percent of the average depth of water applied in the scheme. Administrative Services Only (ASO) is a plan provided to administer employee health claims. There are two main ways of establishing the share to be paid: one is by fixed weight -for example, 10 kg of rice per unit of land of the harvested crop, which is paid annually, regardless of the production obtained. Know the volume consumed and if it was suitable for the farmer tax. Made according to established rules and existing laws made and O & M expenses, while cover. Manager should ensure that safety measures are adhered to by all the on! Is limited much water can you Expect in public Relations Careers ₹ 144,200 US. Particularly minicomputers can be completed related to project development and operation and maintenance, planning and managing projects, by. All W-2 and workers ' compensation policies remain the responsibility of the corresponding function undertaken. The greater is the relevance of the organization to carry out the administrative Service 8.5 alternatives! 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