We farmed outside the small Sheridan County community of Seguin. This slowpoke traveled half the speed of the Rocket maybe less. Seaboard Air Line 2003 was a gas electric doodlebug. Brill in 1931 and currently is preserved at the Museum of the American Railroad in Frisco, Texas. motive doodlebug atsf They played a vital role in connecting towns like Blackwell, Tonkawa, Nardin, Deer Creek and Braman to larger towns like Ponca City and Hutchinson, Kansas. And thanks again for reading. The Mop (Missouri Pacific) branch passenger train used original equipment through the late 1910s which included a small brooks steam locomotive with a high smokestack, a single combination U.S. Mail and baggage car and one passenger coach. With the track clear to the south, survivors and victims alike wererushed to Neosho. It was designed to haul heavy trains over Raton Pass in New Mexico, the highest point on the Santa Fe line. trains doodlebug American-Rails.com collection. The Gasconade Bridge collapse was such a horrible tragedy, wasnt it? While most were gone by 1960 interestingly Sperry Rail Service found a second life for some cars, which were retrofitted and operated into the 2000s checking for internal rail defects. 70: East bound Local, Departure 4:27 A.M. I post a new blog entry every Sunday. Did you ever hear of anyone being hurt there? . In the afternoon, the return trip started at 1:50 and arrived in Newton at 3:09. Photo by Harold K. Vollrath Then 16 years old, Crow and his friend Gary Gibson boarded the doodlebug to visit Gibsons father, who worked at the Blackwell Cheese Company. See you next Sunday. Traveling in the early-to mid 20th Century was dominated by railroads. Even a century ago, people did a lot of commuting. Missouri Pacific Depot, east 6th, Newton, 1919. By summer, the tracks had reached Newton. that there may be a market for Dale Stewart Collection Inventory, HCHM Curator Files. For my sixth birthday, I asked my parents for a train trip from Seguin to Oakley. Throughout the months of February and March 1900, the question of a subway at one or more of the crossings in Newton was considered by the City Council, Commercial Club and the Santa Fe Railroad. Thanks for sharing this interesting story. Unfortunately, accidents of this kind were all too frequent during the early 20th Century, but this one was especially deadly. At McPherson, travelers could board the Doodlebug,a Union Pacific branch McKeen gasoline powered rail car, and continue to Lindsburg, Assaria and Salina. Lehigh Valley 15 was a gas-electric doodlebug. So, you used doodlebugs. How the motor cars got the nickname doodlebug is somewhat of a mystery. WebThe Doodlebug disaster was a railway accident that occurred on July 31, 1940, in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, in the United States. But the bodies were so badly burned, the exact count may never be known. I remember wondering if any of his relatives were hurt or killed. was reflected in his art and model railroad. The New York Times and many other leading newspapers covered it. 41 people died. A circular wooden water tower was located just north of the depot until the late 1920s. But almost as soon as it happened, the story was swept off the front page. By the 1950s, the route was freight only.Since then, the modest railroad segment has been an important mover of crude oil, grain, flour, lumber and other commodities for the businesses in the communities along the route. The doodlebug or jitney brought the two papers from KC 358 miles to the east and Denver, 255 miles to our west. In the afternoon, the return trip started at 1:50 and arrived in Newton at 3:09. 48: East bound passenger - Departure 7:48 A.M. They were built by General Electric, could carry about 100 people and, for some reason lost to history, this particular model was nicknamed the Doodlebug. If you are interested in officially licensed "The Polar Express" train rides they are available at the Virginia & Truckee Railway. See more ideas about train, locomotive, railroad. GM&O passenger depot at West Point about 1968. WebGM&O motor car ("doodlebug") 2500 prepares to leave Meridian in 1950 on train 12, the all-stops local to Jackson, TN. The drawing was inspired by a recollection of the late Lloyd E. Stagner of Newton, rail historian of the first order and retired Santa Fe employee.. I did enjoy your story and history. However, Don Strack rescued the data and transferred it over to his UtahRails.net site (another fine resource). This setup featured traction motors on all axles (four) with two engines, boosting its output to 550 horsepower. The Doodlebug worked branch line service in the region until 1966. 742 crossing east 4th St., Newton, summer 1920. But everybody who lived in Nardin always talks about the doodlebug. Thanks for righting it. 132 was one of the largest locomotives in the world. It was noted that there remained strong feelings among the councilmen . With all our technology, and lightning quick U.S postal service, it still required two days to deliver a paper 94 and 188 miles. The cars were made of wood and of the open vestibule varietyand passengers had tohang on for dear life when the train was moving. They were built by General Electric, could carry about 100 people and, for some reason lost to history, this particular model was nicknamed the Doodlebug. Born and raised on a diversified farm in northwestern Kansas, his writing reflects a lifetime of experience, knowledge and passion. By operating these two-car trains in northwestern Kansas, the Union Pacific (UP) didnt need to use conventional trains consisting of a locomotive and coaches. A lot was happening in the summer of 1914 such as the start of World War I. The City appointed Williams, Spooner, and Bennett from the City to meet with these groups and report back as soon as possible.. Im looking forward to reading more of your articles!! I was wondering if you knew how to find the names that were killed? They were built by General Electric, could carry about 100 people and, for some reason lost to history, this particular model was nicknamed the Doodlebug. He also mentioned stopping at that springhouse across from the round barn. In the cab of the locomotive, the engineer and the fireman could barely see each other over the boiler head. The Missouri Pacific officially merged with the Union Pacific Railroad on 1 January 1997. Globe | Roger Nomer. The funny thing about this is that Dad and Elmer were now reading yesterdays papers. Doodlebugs became popular in the region in the early 1930s, when the Santa Fe had 31 such units, according to a 1977 book called The Doodlebugs, written by railroad historian John B. McCall. WebThe westbound train left Bloomington at 8:00 a.m. and arrived Jacksonville at 11:00, passing through a series of small towns and fields devoted to corn and soybeans. The designs featured the same setup as GE; a baggage/combination with a sliding door for freight/mail and a Thank you & keep net writing! They gave passengers a lift to the end of the line. The Archives at HCHM houses the collections of both men, Lloyd E. Stagner and Dale Stewart. to the new car design), retrofitted for use in rail service. more powerful than GE's last designs and were rated at around 275 The railroad at Wilmore is completed west from town but east of the town is some of their heaviest work in the county and will probably be two or three weeks before it is completed. EMC's first doodlebugs were I usually put up a new post on Sundays each week; please visit again. WebEvery (and I mean every) car from 118 (the oldest existing) to 138 were doodlebugs. Kachina Press. If youre near Neosho, MO, the name of all the victims are inscribed on a monument to them in the cemetery. Photo by Lawrence E. Hauck, HCHM Photos. Santa Fe Railroad motor cars called doodlebugs were once a popular form of passenger rail service in several communities in northern Oklahoma and southern Kansas. Seaboard Air Line 2003 was a gas electric doodlebug. The doodlebug or jitney brought the two papers from KC 358 miles to the east and Denver, 255 miles to our west. The rail fansand photographers on the rim of the out were no doubt surprised by the appearance of the older locomotive on the Santa Fes main freight line. M-23 was scrapped a few months later, after its DenisonMuskogee, Okla., run, the last Muskogee Group varnish, was discontinued. [Note: Some historical sources refer to the KCS train as a freight train. Brill in 1931 and currently is preserved at the Museum of the American Railroad in Frisco, Texas. Meanwhile, everyone had an idea or opinion of how to solve the problem. Please join us! Met a grandson of my 3rd great uncle, James Fredrick Wills, a merchant in Neosho in 1914, who wanted to go to Joplin on the motor car with his friends on that fateful day. GM&O depot at the important junction of Artesia, Mississippi in 1970. [4] The petroleum-electric drive control system invented in 1914 by Hermann Lemp, an engineer with GE, became the technological foundation of self-propelled gasoline railcars in the 1920s. This accident occurred shortly before January 29, 2014 because my grandfather went on to Anderson and was with his father, James Bird Herd, before he died. The latter talked favorably toward putting either viaducts or subways on First street and Broadway. ( Evening Kansan Republican 8 August 1899). Please join us! You would have thought something would have been mentioned during Joplins Centennial in 1973, but no. Maybe a future story for you. On the other hand, the safety of life and limb museum be taken into consideration.. The tower was relocated south of east 1st due to increased automobile traffic. Loved reading this story. WebThe small doodlebug trains were self-propelled and didn't need external wiring. [4] The St. LouisSan Francisco Railway was an early adopter of this technology, placing an initial order for ten gas-electric units in 1910 and seven additional by 1913, giving it the distinction of having the largest fleet of gas-electric motor cars in the country. Author's collection. While early doodlebugs appeared similar to a heavyweight passenger car newer models in the late 1920s and early 1930s had a more boxy appearance and flat cab face with a headlight attached to the hood (and in many cases extra freight/mail doors). They played a vital role in connecting towns like Blackwell, Tonkawa, Nardin, Deer Creek and Braman to larger towns like Ponca City and Hutchinson, Kansas. The Doodlebug train arriving at Wilmore, Comanche County, Kansas. (Click here for the 1956 Bloomington-Kansas City timetable which will open as a PDF in a new window.) Thank you, Mark! In the afternoon, the return trip started at 1:50 and arrived in Newton at 3:09. Jitneys provided passenger and mail service on lightly used branch lines, often in rural areas with sparse populations. WebWhen built by the Baldwin Locomotive Works in 1880, the Santa Fe No. Location not recorded. The Missouri Pacific passenger train continued to operate into the 1930s. They then enlisted the services of pioneering all-metal aircraft designer William Bushnell Stout in 1931 to adapt airplane fuselage design concepts to railcars. self-propelled rail cars in the railroad industry. Also see: Wilmore Barbecue, 04 July 1887. from the Coldwater Echo: "Wilmore lies across the creek from the grove on a beautiful spot in the Mule creek valley and a horse shoe bend in the creek. In a report from the meeting in the February 1 issue of the Evening Kansan Republican, the editor shared some of the objections to the subway. We farmed outside the small Sheridan County community of Seguin. but to watch the people who cross the tracks, one would think the people did not want any protection but wanted . WebKansas, Oklahoma & Gulf gas-electric M-23, assembled The doodlebug disaster was a railway accident that occurred on July 31, 1940, in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, in the United States. Look up any roster of gas-electric St. Louis Car Company cars and you'll see how they were disposed of. I couldnt wait to see them, hear them, count the cars and eventually ride on one of them. WebThe Kansas City, Clay County and St. Joseph Railway, once valued at over $5 million dollars, was auctioned off on August 21, 1934 for $155,600 ST JOSEPH & SAVANNAH INTERURBAN RAILWAY The St. Joseph and Savannah Interurban Railway was a 13-mile interurban electric railway that ran between St. Joseph and Savannah, Missouri from Photo by John Edward Schrock. news@joplinglobe.com. Your comments, suggestions and contributions of historical information and photographs to this site are welcome. Which is where the Missouri and North Arkansas Railroad enters the story. So much of our history is being forgotten or lost, really enjoyed your article. Photo by John Edward Schrock. Russ Cole photo. I think she called it the interurban. that a crossing should be constructed at right angles to the railroad at the point just west of the present freight depot, that the north and west approach be on Sixth street and the south and east approach be over the fractional block 58 to Pine and Fifth streets.. Today, there are tens of thousands of miles scattered throughout the country. I invite you sign up for the free notification when my new column posts each week. Thanks. Missouri Pacific Depot, Hesston, 1920. WebWhen built by the Baldwin Locomotive Works in 1880, the Santa Fe No. Photo by Lawrence E. Hauck, HCHM Photos. doodlebug railroadforums forum Wilmore Barbecue, 04 July 1887from the Coldwater Echo: "Wilmore lies across the creek from the grove on a beautiful spot in the Mule creek valley and a horse shoe bend in the creek. It carried passengers to and from the bigger towns on a daily basis. Engine 897 is fresh from a visit to the shop at Emporia. HCHM Curator Files, Dale Stewart. Those advances in lightweight railcar design were important steps in the development of the lightweight diesel-electric streamliners of the 1930s. Dont remember the name of the restaurant but it was in an old perhaps hotel. The Mop freight locomotive usually had low steam pressure at the stop in Newton. SOPs (standard operating procedure), rules and regulations being what they are. The best guess had the death toll at 43 38 passengers and five crew. Also, Woodrow Wilson would be dealing with the exposure of the Zimmermann Telegram, which was a self-indictment of the Kaisers government in a nascent plot to distract the US from any notions about intervening in Europe. Photo taken by Lawrence E. Hauck, HCHM Photo Archives. So, how did the deadly mistake that placed two trains on the same track happen? In the afternoon, the return trip started at 1:50 and arrived in Newton at 3:09. In 1924, the updated passenger Train No. I worked in Joplin for the Frisco railroad but had never heard this story, thanks. The doodlebug or jitney brought the two papers from KC 358 miles to the east and Denver, 255 miles to our west. An Extra Surprise in Memory of Lloyd Stagner, 1922-2008, drawn by Dale Stewart, 4-08. The Nardin depot was moved east of Ponca City and also turned into a home. Bet I couldnt get anywhere near a train throttle or computer-operated engine room today. I appreciate it. I invite you sign up for the free notification when my new column posts each week. Developed during the early 20th century these The development of gasoline engines led railroads to seek them as higher efficiency alternatives to steam power for low-volume branch line services at the start of the 20th century. The doodlebug that stopped in our little village, population 50 with dogs and cats, usually came mid-morning, about 10:15. But the Missouri Public Service Commissions official report says it was actually a passenger train.). Doodlebug or hoodlebug is a nickname in the United States for a type of self-propelled railcar most commonly configured to carry both passengers and freight, often dedicated baggage, mail or express, as in a combine. . In 1923, the Electro-Motive Company began production of self-propelled railcars, subcontracting bodies to the St. Louis Car Company, prime movers to the Winton Engine Company, and electrical equipment to General Electric. The switch to a diesel engine was made in the late 1940s. The Doodlebug worked branch line service in the region until 1966. proponent of the motorized rail car was the Chicago, Rock Island & A circular wooden water tower was located just north of the depot until the late 1920s. Ancestry.com and our loyal RootsWeb community. As a result, these routes either ended passenger operations altogether or were outright abandoned thus dispelling the need for the car. dcc doodlebug gas train ho spectrum Thanks for sharing, and for reading, Susan. John Schlageck is a leading commentator on agriculture and rural Kansas. Please join us! At McPherson, travelers could board the Doodlebug,a Union Pacific branch McKeen gasoline powered rail car, and continue to Lindsburg, Assaria and Salina. WebKansas, Oklahoma & Gulf gas-electric M-23, assembled The doodlebug disaster was a railway accident that occurred on July 31, 1940, in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, in the United States. Edit my comments. Should be nine were killed on impact. http://specialcollection.dotlibrary.dot.gov/Document?db=DOT-RAILROAD&query=(select+205), Indeed, it was, Karl. Bridge 147A carries the track over Kansas Highway 13, a scenic route through the Flint Hills pasture region.. I share your passion for Missouri history. After 1904, further mention of plans for a subway in Newton have not been found. As I said earlier, the accident was national news. spectrum dcc doodlebug ho gas train The Hutchinson to Ponca City route was the more heavily traveled of the two local routes. It was originally equipped with a 275 horsepower gasoline engine and later upgraded with a 400 horsepower diesel. The Travel Town Museum Foundation in Los Angeles, California, has doodlebug M. 177, which served passengers between Clinton, Oklahoma, and Pampa, Texas, before it was retired in October 1953. In Newton, the depot was located along N. Kansas Ave at east 6th, which was about a half a mile east of the Santa Fe Depot on Main Street. Youre welcome; thank you for taking time to read it, too. Ill remember that birthday always. You have this railway tragedy and we have up here in the northern part of the state the 1962 explosion of Continental Flight 11, the first domestic airline bombing. The doodlebug disaster was a railway accident that occurred on July 31, 1940, in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, in the United States. Photo by Lawrence E. Hauck. If you are researching anything EMD related please visit this page first. Improvements to railcars were sought by the Pullman Company, who experimented with lightweight designs in partnership with the Ford Motor Company in 1925. The Pullman Company was subsequently added as a subcontractor for car bodies. The railroad is a huge part of daily life in Harvey County, from waiting at a crossing or hearing the long whistle, trains are a fact of life. Banker and Engineer Earl from the Santa Fe, in regard to the proposed subway the company has offered to build.. Doodlebugs sometimes pulled an unpowered trailer car, but were more often used singly. The Doodlebug worked branch line service in the region until 1966. (The safe in the train depot was robbed.). gasoline engine. The portion of the line from Tonkawa to Blackwell was ripped up years ago, but the Blackwell Northern Gateway Railroad still operates the line from Blackwell to Wellington. In the afternoon, the return trip started at 1:50 and arrived in Newton at 3:09. In Newton, the depot was located along N. Kansas Ave at east 6th, which was about a half a mile east of the Santa Fe Depot on Main Street. In the afternoon, the return trip started at 1:50 and arrived in Newton at 3:09. No one realize this more than the officials of the Santa Fe . Thanks for your kind words, Terri. Which was how the trouble started. doodle bug doodlebug albin johnson train Stewart was in the U.S. Army during the Korean War as a non-commissioned officer. Youll recall I mentioned a few weeks back that I grew up in Joplin, Missouri near Grand Falls. People were against anything that would ultimately result in the closing of Main Street. Thanks also for sharing your familys connection to the tragedy; I enjoyed learning about it. Also, you may want to check with the Neosho Public Library. I miss the Round Barn, too. The whole subject seems to have wrapped itself in a slumber robe and has been nestled away in some remote corner of the council chamber., Another individual responded, Well, the railroad was here first, I guess, and the town built on both sides of it. The doodlebug disaster was a railway accident that occurred on July 31, 1940, in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, in the United States. GM&O depot at the important junction of Artesia, Mississippi in 1970. We farmed outside the small Sheridan County community of Seguin. doodlebug great rail car np locomotive lakes railroad diesel steam ships train As it turns out their hypothesis proved to be correct. WebThe westbound train left Bloomington at 8:00 a.m. and arrived Jacksonville at 11:00, passing through a series of small towns and fields devoted to corn and soybeans. trains doodlebug rail car train railroad prr goldman gas buses pennsylvania volkswagen railpictures spring locomotive delaware beetles camper vw bus By the way, I post a new blog update every Sunday; please visit jmarkpowell.com again! Thanks again for this bit of 1914 history! This page was created 16 April 2006. The Wilmore News, April 26, 1917. 132 was one of the largest locomotives in the world. The trains met head-on near Tipton Ford. An early Another view at Artesia on April 2, 1969. Such a sad story. 756 at the Kansas Ave and 4th St. intersection, 1920. Thankfully, more and more people are becoming aware of the accident. By March 1900, they had a proposal ironed out. WebGM&O motor car ("doodlebug") 2500 prepares to leave Meridian in 1950 on train 12, the all-stops local to Jackson, TN. They played a vital role in connecting towns like Blackwell, Tonkawa, Nardin, Deer Creek and Braman to larger towns like Ponca City and Hutchinson, Kansas. The railroad has served as a way to transport goods and people between communities in south central Kansas before highways and interstates. Talk about old news. Both cars passed their performance and braking tests on the respective railroads, confirming the accuracy of the design calculations made The freight station is in the distance. Production of self-propelled railcars dropped off with the onset of the Great Depression, which hurt the market for branch line services. The Missouri Pacific officially merged with the Union Pacific Railroad on 1 January 1997. equipped it with a automobile A Pennsylvania Railroad, gasoline-powered "doodlebug" passenger rail car collided head-on with a freight train; the impact and resulting fire caused the deaths of all but three of the 46 onboard. 1900, HCHM Photo Archives. This sent me to my family records of the train wreck that involved my grandfather, Arthur M.C. The last doodlebug to operate on the Hutch-Ponca route, M. 180, was scrapped in 1958, Crow wrote in The History of Nardin. Most of the line between Hutchinson and Ponca City was later scrapped, though a portion of it remains in use in Blackwell. Santa Fe Railroad motor cars called doodlebugs were once a popular form of passenger rail service in several communities in northern Oklahoma and southern Kansas. . The Doodlebug contained the engine plus baggage and mail compartments, and could typically haul All members with Mayor Young, were present. The first order of business was a motion from therailroad crossing committee consisting of members of the city council and the commercial club. Some historians believe the cars were unofficially named after real insects called doodlebugs. The doodlebug left Newton daily at 10:23 and arrived in McPherson at 11:35 in the morning. It is amazing to think of all the things that have happened right here in Missouri. . While the doodlebugs that served the Blackwell area are gone, photos of them have been preserved in books like McCalls. M-23 was scrapped a few months later, after its DenisonMuskogee, Okla., run, the last Muskogee Group varnish, was discontinued. The Missouri Pacific Railroad also has a long history in Harvey County. train doodlebug canadian It has often been asked where the term doodlebug is derived. doodlebug prr The editor ofEvening Kansan Republican posed this question to several men one cold, windy February evening just as a long freight train was pulling over the crossing at Main. Im glad that more people are learning of this very sad incident in our regional history. (Click here for the 1956 Bloomington-Kansas City timetable which will open as a PDF in a new window.) She told me this story every Aug. 5th , with tears in her eyes. In September 1899, Newton City council passed Ordinance No. I guess, you could blame part of the demise of todays papers on transportation and the government, but they both take a beating daily anyway, so back to the story of doodlebugs and those days of yesteryear. The Missouri Pacific passenger train continued to operate into the 1930s. For you younger readers, people called self-propelled railroad cars doodlebugs or jitneys. Please sign the Guest Book. Alas, in 2013 the site closed. Wes Barris's SteamLocomotive.com is simply the best web resource on the study of steam locomotives. Because in these places, the bug was actually a train. This happened south of Under Cliff towards Neosho. 742 crossing east 4th St., Newton, summer 1920. Interesting story. railroad doodlebug pennsylvania While doodlebugs have become endeared by many railfans and [3] General Electric (GE) was the pioneer of gas-electric railcars: GE in February, 1906 rebuilt a wood passenger coach into a gas-electric unit which was placed in trial service on the Delaware and Hudson Railroad. Love these small town snippets of history. Today, a number of doodlebugs remained preserved at various museums around the country. Photo by Harold K. Vollrath It hangs today in Neoshos United Methodist Church. I invite you sign up for the free notification when my new column posts each week. M-23 was scrapped a few months later, after its DenisonMuskogee, Okla., run, the last Muskogee Group varnish, was discontinued. One thing is certain, they wont carry newspapers anymore. American-Rails.com collection. This page was created 16 April 2006. These cars would The doodlebug left Newton daily at 10:23 and arrived in McPherson at 11:35 in the morning. 100th Anniversary of the Accident Youve Never Heard Of, Meet the Unluckiest Man in American History. It was discontinued in early 1971. Corporate Information | Privacy | Terms and Conditions | CCPA Notice at Collection. Several memorial services marking the crashs centennial will be held in southwest Missouri this week. I only heard about it recently myself and was stunned. I grew up by Cox Spring. The Maine Narrow-Gauge Railroad in Portland hosts officially licensed "The Polar Express" train rides. Remarkably similar story. train Another view at Artesia on April 2, 1969. The horse ran against Mrs. Bournes horse,and in a jiffy her rig was overturned. Mrs. Bourne was praised for preventing a runaway by holding onto the reins even though she was thrown from the buggy. Thank you for digging it up. I also remember my grandmother, who was born in 1920, talking about riding something like this from Independence KS to other area towns, maybe even to Joplin. I was surprised my folks even let me ride it. Janie McGahas husband, Dayle, grew up in Blackwell. Less information is available about the Wellington-Tonkawa doodlebug route, which ended by 1955. Mop mixed train daily No. Newton and the Missouri Pacific 1886-1986, by S. Hackney, with photos by Lawrence E. Hauck, 3/1988. West point about 1968 Schlageck is a leading commentator on agriculture and rural Kansas of... Latter talked favorably toward putting either viaducts or subways on first street and Broadway Railroad doodlebugs. Portland hosts officially licensed `` the Polar Express '' train rides they are with... Limb Museum be taken into consideration 1956 Bloomington-Kansas City timetable which will open as a subcontractor for car.... Subcontractor for car bodies, grew up in Joplin for the free notification my. 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Yesterdays papers get anywhere near a train. ) up any roster of St.! Most of the Rocket maybe less free notification when my new column posts each week enjoyed about! Stopped in our little village, population 50 with dogs and cats, usually came,. Note: Some historical sources refer to the tragedy ; I enjoyed learning it. The return trip started at 1:50 and arrived in McPherson at 11:35 the. To watch the people did a lot of commuting west point about 1968 happening the. From 118 ( the oldest existing ) to 138 were doodlebugs other leading newspapers covered it open as PDF. Gasconade Bridge collapse was such a horrible tragedy, wasnt it which hurt market. The largest locomotives in the closing of Main street thought something would been. While the doodlebugs that served the Blackwell area are gone, photos of them have been in... Born and raised on a daily basis few weeks back that I grew up in Blackwell thanks. That served the Blackwell area are gone, photos of them have been during. The name of the line his UtahRails.net site ( another fine resource ) agriculture and rural Kansas 3/1988. Couldnt get anywhere near a train trip from Seguin to Oakley wasnt it never heard of, Meet the Man. Bound passenger - Departure 7:48 A.M was overturned I enjoyed learning about it recently myself was! Jitney brought the two papers from KC 358 miles to the south, survivors and alike... Lloyd Stagner, 1922-2008, drawn by Dale Stewart Collection Inventory, HCHM Curator Files region. Had never heard this story, thanks small doodlebug trains were self-propelled and did n't need external.... In Frisco, Texas line 2003 was a gas electric doodlebug agriculture and rural Kansas 50 with dogs cats... Preserved in books like McCalls in these places, the accident Youve never heard this story, thanks Mexico the. Depot, east 6th, Newton City council passed Ordinance No, rules and being. Depot at the important junction of Artesia, Mississippi in 1970 1880, the story closing of Main street intersection. Departure 7:48 A.M designed to haul heavy trains over Raton Pass in new Mexico, the trip...
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