Please subscribe today to In April, New Jerseys long-serving and controversial senator Bob Menendez got engaged to a self-described international businesswoman Nadine Arslanian. Nagorno-Karabakh conflict According to the document Kl, a former aide to President Erdoan, was identified as having developeda relationship with Yasin al-Qadi, listed as an al-Qaeda financier on both the US Treasury and UN lists for many years, and his son Muaz al-Qadi (Kadolu). Military Most of New Jerseys U.S. representatives received extensions to file past the May 15 deadline. Aslanian is reportedly a longtime friend of Nadine Arslanian, and both are Armenian. The story behind how this Armenian woman influenced the passage of the Armenian Genocide bill in United States. Watch this interview to hear her family story of survival, her relationship with New Jersey Senator, Bob Menendez, and her advice to young Armenians on dating. When using the "Report" studio He was appointed in December 2013 as minister of youth and sports. All rights reserved (About Us). A quick study of his Capitol Hill record suggests that his position on the Armenian issue has been unwavering, and he was known for his pro-Armenian stance long before he was elected to the Senate in 2006. 4 Useful Tips When Shopping for Sportswear, Mobile Car Wash: How it Works and Why Invest In It. The senators financial disclosure forms showed she worked for Fusion Diagnostics Laboratories, a New Jersey medical testing company. U.S. Sens. She serves on the Armenian Assembly of America board and is a member of the Armenian American Political Action Committee. When the DW team was preparing to leave the ministry building after the interview, the ministers press advisor came and told the team that they could not air the interview. Like so many overt zealots of intolerance and homophobes, Menendez was fervently attacking a person in public for exactly the same thing he is doing now. Tourism Nagorno-Karabakh conflict Domestic policy In the 2015 case against Menendez, prosecutors alleged he accepted nearly $1 million in flights on a private jet, vacations, and other gifts from Florida ophthalmologist Dr. Salomon Melgen in exchange for acquiring visas for the doctors foreign girlfriends. All rights reserved. Menendez previously was married and has two adult children and three grandchildren. She has also been a significant donor to Bob Menendez for the Senate campaign. After working closely with Erdoan for years, Kl ran for parliament in 2011 on Erdoans party ticket. BAYSIDE, N.Y. ( - US Senator Bob Menendez and Nadine Arslanian were married on October 3, 2020 in an intimate and socially distanced ceremony. If you purchase a product or register for an account through one of the links on our site, we may receive compensation. She was also an early supporter of the #MeToo movement. He served the United States Army during World War II. Along with congratulations to the couple, it is worth mentioning that engagements and marriages should, in principle, remain strictly personal affairs. --We want to thank our brand partners for continuing to support The Armenian Report during these uncertain times. Prosecutors in recent months also subpoenaed New Jersey lawyer Antranig Aslanian, a longtime friend of Nadine Arslanian who has represented Wael Hana. Hard to tell, except that he pursued foreign interests with much greater vigor than those of the United States. Start your day with the latest from Trenton, D.C. and your town. As we can see in the case of Florida ophthalmologist Salomon Melgen, he did not do it for free. Finance nadine arslanian biography - Varsia Arslanian - Lyce Victor Duruy - Belgium | LinkedIn Nadine Arslanian Age, Wikipedia, Height, Husband, Boyfriend, Family Investigators are examining whether Nadine Arslanian received gifts or services from individuals who sought favors from New Jerseys senior senator. Diaspora Yes, this is not a typo- a sitting U.S. senator denied an appointment to a career official based on the identity of the latters spouse, and was duly chastised by the Washington Post editorial board for that. Turkophobic Menendez and his Armenian wife under federal investigation Other countries Dem Senator and Wife Under Scrutiny in Federal Corruption Investigation In April, New Jersey's long-serving and controversial senator Bob Menendez got engaged to a self-described "international businesswoman" Nadine Arslanian. She attended New York University and studied international politics, she said in a 2020 interview posted on YouTube. The US attorneys office for the Southern District of New York has subpoenaed associates of Menendezs wife, Nadine Arslanian, whom he married in 2020, the WSJ writes. More Local News to Love Start today for 50% off Expires 3/6/23, Jonathan D. Salant | NJ Advance Media for US federal authorities are investigating pro-Armenian Senator Robert Menendez and his wife Nadine Arslanian charged in receiving gifts or services . How They Proposed - The New York Times Milli Majlis Nadine also squashes a rumor that has been going around about Senator Menendez growing up with an Armenian nanny named Anush. and English through the website and daily newsletters. Do You Need An UHNW Wealth Management For Your Family? They walked down the aisle exactly a year later. Nadine is also an advocate for womens rights. Team sports Erdoan henchman accuses US senator of being under the influence of his The Wall Street Journal journalists Corinne Ramey and James Fanelli write that the wife of US Senator Bob Menendez, Nadine Arslanian, is drawing scrutiny in a federal probe, Report informs. The senators financial disclosure forms showed she worked for Fusion Diagnostics Laboratories, a New Jersey medical testing company. It is important to refer to the use of materials on this site. She is also a frequent guest on national news and talk shows, discussing issues such as immigration and healthcare. 41 Jane Drv, Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632-2323 is the current address for Nadine. Aslanian said he had no idea what prosecutors were looking for. A Turkish lawmakerlast week harshly criticized a prominent US senatorfor prioritizing his family relationships at the expense of damaging ties between Turkey and the US. Enter your email to receive our newsletter. In April, New Jersey's long-serving and controversial senator Bob Menendez got engaged to a self-described "international businesswoman" Nadine Arslanian. Copyright Greek city times 2023 All Rights Reserved. His motto has always been, work hard so that you are able to give back to your community. Menendez and Arslanian live in Englewood Cliffs, N.J. Media reports about the couples engagement and wedding identify Arslanian as an international businesswoman. Ambassador to Azerbaijan because Bryzas wife, Zeyno Baran, is ethnically Turkish. Manhattan federal prosecutors are investigating whether Nadine Arslanian, the wife of Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ), received gifts or services from individuals who sought favors from her. The US attorney's office for the Southern District of New York has subpoenaed associates of Menendez's wife, Nadine Arslanian, whom he married in 2020, the WSJ writes. Arslanian is the father of Dave Arslanian who later coached at Weber State from 1989 to 1997, . 55-year-old Nadine Arslanian was welcomed into this world on March 7, 1967. Contrary to Kls claim, Senator Menendez has long worked for the official recognition of the Armenian genocide. He first met his wife, Nadine Arslanian, an international businesswoman from Bergen County, almost a decade ago at the IHOP in Union City. In the 2015 case against Menendez, prosecutors alleged he accepted nearly $1 million in flights on a private jet, vacations, and other gifts from Florida ophthalmologist Dr. Salomon Melgen in exchange for acquiring visas for the doctors foreign girlfriends. Aren Bazerkanian, the companys founder and CEO, has put over 2 years of research/development into the brands debut model. Sark Arslanian - Wikipedia Reviews. However, while answering journalists questions after the one-on-one meeting, he said, Thank God, this issue was not brought up, sparking criticism from the opposition, which accused him of speaking differently at home and abroad. Tel. Incident October 7, 2020 12:03 am. Independent News Agency "Report" provides readers with timely information on key developments Investigators are examining whether Nadine Arslanian received gifts or services from individuals who sought favors from New Jersey's senior senator. This article first appeared in Nordic Monitor. Turkish Official Accuses Bob Menendez Of Being Influenced By His The Armenian Karma of Senator Bob Menendez - Logically then, by his own, somewhat racist, standard, pushing every piece of Armenian agenda in Congress and now having been engaged to ethnic Armenian, Senator Menendez should resign from Congress. Education and science The senior senator from New Jersey and the ranking Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Menendez celebrated with his family and some close friends at a small outdoor reception necessitated by COVID-19. The two sounded very friendly on the phone according to a readout from the transcript. She first met her husband, Bob Menendez, at an IHOP store in 2012. Sleyman Nazif Sok. When the team refused to agree, ministry officials told them they would not be able to leave the building without handing over the video footage of the interview, after which they seized it. US Senator Bob Menendez and Nadine Arslanian Married Afterwards, the couple celebrated with family and some close friends at a small outdoor reception. Prosecutors in recent months also subpoenaed New Jersey lawyer Antranig Aslanian, a longtime friend of Nadine Arslanian who has represented Wael Hana. Since 1995, Menendez has been one of the most active functionaries of the so-called Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues. Manhattan federal prosecutors are investigating whether Nadine Arslanian, the wife of Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ), famous for his pro-Armenian statements, received gifts or services from individuals who sought favors from her husband, Report informs via The Wall Street Journal. The couple is said to have first met in 2011. Erdoan and Biden met for the first time at the NATO summit in Brussels in June after Bidens Armenian move that disappointed Turkey. The Armenian Karma of Senator Bob Menendez - Avim Today, approximately 100 years later, The Nazerian Group is thriving at an unprecedented rate because of Vartans grandfather and Genocide survivor, Hampartzoum Nazerians sacrifice and will to live. The senator and Mrs. Menendez were fortunate to be able to hold a small, intimate, socially-distanced ceremony last year during the pandemic with some of their longtime friends in attendance, Menendez spokesman Steven Sandberg said. U.S. Senator Bob Menendez, Nadine Arslanian married All along, this was done in the name of Armenia, Moscows vassal, Irans regional proxy and Europes most anti-Semitic nation. Diaspora Even if the Senate's most pro . New Jersey attorney Antranig Aslanian has also been subpoenaed in the investigation, according to the report. Nadine Arslanian is a passionate and dedicated advocate for the causes she believes in. State business records show Arslanian is the president of Strategic International Business Consultants LLC, a holding company that was incorporated in New Jersey in 2019. Afterwards, the couple celebrated with family and some close friends at a small outdoor reception. Nordic Monitor previously published secret documents which revealed that Kl, who is also vice president of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), had past links to a one-time al-Qaeda financier from Saudi Arabia. Say, EU-TRKYE COOPERATION IN CENTRAL ASIA: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR CLOSER COOPERATION IN THE REGION, CONFERENCE TITLED HUNGARYS PERSPECTIVES ON THE TURKIC WORLD", THE BOOK TITLED MEN ARE LIKE THAT REPRINTED, ROUNDTABLE AT AVM WITH MR. TOMAS NIKLASSON, THE EU SPECIAL ENVOY FOR AFGHANISTAN, A NEW BOOK FROM AVM: THE WITNESSED HISTORY OF THE BAKU-TBILISI-CEYHAN PIPELINE, AVM HOLDS MEETING WITH THE U.S. EUROPEAN COMMAND DELEGATION, THE NEW SILK ROAD INITIATIVE: TURKEYS STAKES IN THE GLOBAL DEVELOPMENTAL PROJECT. 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