and has graced the shelves of homes, libraries, and waiting rooms since 1946. Young writers and artists may send their work to: Highlights, 803 Church Street, Honesdale, PA 18431. Search for Events by Keyword. Instead, it strives to publish stories that the readers will find both interesting and accessible. Payment: $6 for each accepted story; $3 for flash fiction. The great thing about Slice is that they use the space to publish emerging and established writers side-by-side. When children know that they matter, and what they think matters, they see the good in themselves and the world. Kids want to be heard, they have stories to share, and they need grown-ups in their lives to assure them that they're loved and safe. For more tips and information of interest to writers, visit In nearly every issue of Highlights magazine since 1948, Goofus and Gallant have instructed kids on the rules of common courtesy. Though submissions are currently closed (as of the time of this writing), if you know of somebody who has gone through a particular struggle while still producing great work, let Ploughshares know. Art samples: mail a postcard to the Highlights offices. Payment: $45 per page, with a maximum of $450. Highlights continually accepts submissions via Submittable for work tailored to any of the products listed below. All articles must be between 1,500 and 3,000 words and relevant to home coffee brewers. "Highlights" is aimed at the pre-reader, at the child who is just beginning to identify and name familiar . Once youve edited and perfected your childrens story, email and paste it in the body of the email or a Word or Google Doc. I learned to read in my pediatricians waiting room with Highlights for Children Magazine. A quarterly literary journal that is all about poetry, Contemporary Verse 2 also publishes interviews and articles about poetry. Share with Us | Highlights Kids Please don't send photos of yourself or other people. Before you submit a story, always familiarize yourself with the magazine to understand the tone and style of the writing it features. To make the cut, write a well-written story, and focus on technique, voice, characterization and language that will all play a part in the editors decision to accept and publish your story. . For gift orders, the first issue will have your name on the cover as the purchaser. Payment: $150 for art, and $0.05 per written word. Motivational and productivity articles are popular, as are mindset, gadget, and methodology pieces. We may publish it on the back cover of our magazines, in our newsletter, or on our @highlightsforchildren Instagram account! There is niche, and then there's the Otoroshi Journal. Highlights continually accepts submissions via Submittable for work tailored to any of the products listed below. You can see them here. Or they may upload it at this link: How 7 Niche Site Owners Are Using Link Whisper To Grow Their Sites. Another of the historical magazines that accepts freelance submissions,True West runs articles primarily on the Old West (everyone's actual favorite time period). You probably know this already but it bears repeating: Plotting, story construction, character development and more are just as important in childrens and YA stories as they are in adult fiction or other genres the standards of success arent any different. With over a million readers, Eating Well is all about the good life. Content Pit Review: Is it Possible to Find Fast, Inexpensive, and High Quality Content? Highlights is a general-interest magazine for children ages 6-12. Theres no specified age range in the submission guidelines, but writers should submit a childrens story thats kid-friendly, violence-free, fun and clever and up to 800 words. Theyll understand that every person has value and is deserving of respect and dignity. Texts must be developmentally appropriate and relevant to the ages and stages of infants and young toddlers. BLJ isnt a theme-based journal, so focus on penning a submission that is surprising, humorous, bold, unique, layered, educational and more. Bitch Magazine skews a bit younger (though it's for gen-exers and boomers as well! See our privacy policy for details. Nothing you can do at the moment. Kids are exceptionally active thinkers. You don't have to be a student to submit, but make sure that your nonfiction, fiction, and poetry is tailored to a more educated audience if you do. Cricket Media publishes 11 award-winning magazines for children from 6 months to teens, so they have submission options for all kinds of writers of any experience level. Highlights reaches children 0-12 with its most popular magazines and books, and on multi-platform digital experiences, digital apps, toys/games, a podcast, YouTube and more. Highlights has a circulation of about a million and is published monthly. 2022 Highlights for Children, Inc. All rights reserved. Payment: $40 for poems and activities, and $175 for fiction and nonfiction stories. High Five Bilingue also seeks stories and poems for ages 2-6 in English AND Spanish (not translations). Dial 800-255-9517 and press 1 for the right department. (Their current submission page lists guidelines for 2019 and has not yet been updated for 2020.) They offer $400 for essays and stories, $150 for pieces of flash fiction, and $100 for poetry. If you are submitting poetry, then please send no more than six poems, and please send them in one Word attachment, if possible, to Highlights Magazine offers 6-12 year-olds entertaining content while helping them develop reading, critical thinking, and social skills. Have you ever acted like Goofus or behaved like Gallant? All genres of literature are considered. Payment: $300-$2,000 for essays and fiction, $100-$250 for poetry. But finding those opportunities to make money online can be hard. Whether you write short stories, personal essays, poems or stories for kids, there are tons of magazines that will help bring your story to life for the eager and excited eyes who cant wait to dig into them. Please upload only one manuscript or query per submission. When grown-ups ask lots of questions, it encourages them to follow their curiosity and do the same. 4 Marin Family Photographers Share Their Experience, Tips and Tricks Theyll know that just like the grown-ups around them , For 75 years, weve been dedicated to helping families raise. (No people in the photos, please.) #1 Feature Story - submit for possible inclusion in a future issue (provided it meets our editorial guidelines found on the GET Featured . Use DoNotPay to avoid waiting in a queue. Highlights was founded in 1946 by Dr. Garry Cleveland Myers and Caroline Clark Myers, and is still owned . Sometime in the last quarter of 2011 I received in the mail a magazine from Highlights Magazine. Short . 2022 Highlights for Children, Inc. All rights reserved. Therefore, for the time being, we are placing a moratorium on newsubmissions. Alternatively, you could call them at 1-888-372-6433 or write to them at Highlights for Children, Customer Service 1800 Watermark Drive PO Box 269 Columbus, OH 4312 Additionally, they also publish film writing and cross genre work. Jack and Jill accepts full fiction manuscripts of up to 800 words and nonfiction up to 700 words. Slice is currently closed for submissions, but this nonprofit literary magazine based in New York City publishes fiction, poetry, and personal essays. National Wildlife's Photographer Guidelines As an editorial assistant at Highlights, I primarily interact with magazine content. Win! Check it out, and find a magazine you think would fit your style. Here is the list of all the fashion magazines and how to submit work to Payment: $400 for longer stories, $150 for flash fiction, and $100 for poems. "We get about 3,000 Dear Highlights letters a year," Reader Mail coordinator Patty Courtright said. Fun For Kidz no longer accepts email submissions, so read the. If you want to submit a story to this interactive online magazine, focus on mystery and adventure stories, as well as fantasy, holiday, sports and animal stories. Midnight & Indigo strives to be a voice for black women writers. Lesson: Some People Will Be Terrible Forever. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Niche Pursuits is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. no : The School Magazine pays on publication, plus a repeat fee if a piece is reused in a print version of the magazine. CLICK Magazine for Kids ages 3-6: SPECIAL OFFER. Discussion Guide. These magazines that accept freelance submissions publish essays, fiction, poems, and even interviews, as long as it evokes the splendor and heartache of being human. Word limit on any piece is 7,000 words. Slice. Highlights Magazine | Highlights International Ploughshares publishes almost exclusively nonfiction pieces, primarily about underappreciated and overlooked writers. Please query us with a well-structured article proposal that includes a catchy lead, a summary of the article (including approximate length and sidebar ideas), and appropriate details. Our magazine isnt going to destroy the cis-heteronormative, white-supremacist, ableist patriarchy, but we are going to try., Submissions are currently closed, but they reopen from May 1, 2021, to October 15, 2022. If you are new and unpublished in the world of science fiction, fantasy, horror, and surreal fiction, Synthetic Reality might be a good start for you. Poetry is also accepted. There is a limit to the madness, however. Navigated. Add to Cart. Faces is a children's-oriented magazine (mainly for kids 9 to 14), and publishes flash fiction stories that are less than 800 words. Central Coast Journal is looking for nostalgic articles that have a dash of humor and entertainment but mostly just make you feel good. The more complex and longer the post is (within reason), the higher the pay. Thank you for your interest in writing for High Five. Short stories, activities, articles, and cartoons are their bread and butter, but non-rhyming and humorous poetry are also accepted. They reject any kind of conventional ideas about what writing should do, and prefer to focus on how the world actually is. True to its name,Discover Magazine encourages their readers to learn more about the world around them. Encouraging a child to discover their best self doesn't require big life changes. Payment: $200 per poem (limit of four poems per submission), $1,000 for short fiction, and online exclusive content is between $100-$200. Payment: 50 for poetry and flash fiction, and 75 for longer short stories. Highlights Kids - YouTube On the 21st of each month, Silver Pen Publishing publishes a new series with childrens and YA stories from these genres: fiction, modern, urban or classical fantasy, sci-fi, slipstream, literary, action-adventure and suspense. Free Stuff - GirlsLife We do not consider previously published material. PUZZLEMANIA. Want to write broadly about health and fitness for kids up to 12 across the U.S.? Submissions,, We encourage writers to read several recent copies of. For Ages 6-12. One Story will accept literary fiction on any subject and any style as long as the quality is exceptional. Nonfictionnot so much. All it takes is a question (or three) to learn something new together. Share your creative work with us! Among magazines that accept freelance submissions, their articles are unique. Payment: Between $.15 and $.25 per word; $200 and up for feature-length fiction stories; $150 and up for nonfiction pieces. There's a 30-page maximum for short stories, 15 pages for screenplays, and 10 pages for poetry. For more tips and information of interest to writers, visit Since the Cast of Wonders podcast sometimes presents stories in audio format, your submission needs to pack a punch: strong pacing, well-defined characters, compelling dialogue and more. Submissions - The Caterpillar If shopping for a subscription for the littles ones on your holiday list, choose from Highlights (for ages 6-12), High Five (for ages 2-6), and/or Hello (for ages 0-2). Editors prefer Word format but they also accept PDFs. Highlights is a magazine for children (motto: Fun with a Purpose!) Just make sure you pay attention to the theme for that specific month. Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash If you've ever made any money from your writing, Writers Weekly wants to hear about it. Customer Reviews for Highlights for Children, Inc. - Better Business Bureau Fun For Kidz no longer accepts email submissions, so read the submission guidelines to learn where to mail your story. HIGHLIGHTS, HIGH FIVE, HIGH FIVE BILINGE, HIDDEN PICTURES, LET'S GROW, and FUN WITH A PURPOSE are trademarks and copyrights of Highlights for Children, Inc. Works between 100-5,000 words are considered. In fact, they specialize in new and unpublished writers that simply show promise. We seek to publish the finest quality writing and illustration for children of all ages. Like other magazines on this list, the Bennington Review allows for fiction, nonfiction and poetry. Word count is between 400 and 600 words. Magazine Subscriptions | Highlights for Children Bio: Brady is a self-proclaimed efficiency freak with a passion for SEO. Most columns relate to burgeoning trends, travel, and health. Each piece of writing must be submitted separately. We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions. How to Scale and Outsource 90% of the Work, Allowing Your Empire to. We also have some printable gift cards online that you can print and personalize for the child. : $100 for flash stories; $250 for short stories. Ask the first available agent to terminate your subscription. I have experience with Highlights High Five magazine which I assume works similarly to Highlights. If purchased individually, the price for twelve . Submissions are due April 28 #USInsAwards . Published three times per year in February, June and October, Spaceports & Spidersilk wants fantasy, sci-fi and shadow stories (spooky, but not terrifying) aimed at readers ages 8-14. What can I do? Freelance Mom is all about actionable advice that readers can put into practice. Payment: $45 per printed page (for a minimum of $90 per title and a maximum of $450 per author); plus two contributor copies of the issue and a one-year subscription. Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed by Highlights. As the name indicates, Introvert Dear publishes articles exclusively about introversion and highly sensitive people. Add to Cart. Please read the submission guidelines listed below before submitting any content for inclusion. 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