Commanders will ensure the following criteria are met: MARADMIN 270/23 Note that the purpose of the PME flag is to prevent erroneous select grades. This MARADMIN is the promotion authority for all LCpls and Cpls of the regular Marine Corps (USMC). Receipt of 1 July 2021 select grade generated on the unit diary feedback report. LCpls and Cpls who meet the cutting score, but are not PME complete and have not been ran as "NOT REC" will not be selected due to their PME flag in the MCTFS being "N". 5.a. REF E, IS MARADMIN 249/20 FISCAL YEAR 2020 ACTIVE COMPONENT MANPOWER CROSS FY EXTENSIONS UPDATE. 5. 9. REF/E/MSGID: MSG/CMC/211849ZAPR20// Planks build more overall core strength and stability which improves performance. REF D, IS MARADMIN 521/14, UPDATED ENL PME PROM REQR'S BY GRADE AND ANNOUNCEMENT OF CMD-SPONSORED LCPL LEADERSHIP-ETHICS AND CAREER CRS SEMINAR. 6. Email inquiries may be submitted to Release authorized by MajGen Michael J. Borgschulte, Director, Manpower Management Division.//, JUNE 2023 REGULAR CORPORAL AND SERGEANT PROMOTION AUTHORITY, Date Signed: 5/25/2023 | MARADMINS Number: 270/23, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - Marine Corps Cutting Scores, cutting score for sgt usmc, jepes, jpes, cutting score for cpl usmc, cutting score for sgt, cutting score for cpl, manpower cutting . 5.d. Reference (b), paragraph 4 provides information and guidance on the changes to time in service (TIS) for promotion to Sgt. The new system will no longer consider time in grade and time in service for the calculation, eliminating the free points Marines would get just because you were breathing for the last 90 days, Williamson said. It is to be used as a tool for the commands and is not intended to replace the "not rec" requirement. 5. Cutting scores are also available on the Enlisted Promotions Section web page. 5.c.1. Late reporting of any data element to include command input marks will cause the MCTFS to automatically recompute the JEPES score. Continue with Recommended Cookies. GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. Commanders are reminded that all Professional Military Education (PME) for LCpls and Cpls must be entered in the Marine Corps Total Force System (MCTFS) in a timely manner. Please try entering a different MOS number. In accordance with reference (e), first term Marines in any MOS that are approved for a cross-FY extension up to 12 months will not be eligible for promotion until reenlisted. Marines may have a higher or lower score reflecting on the MRO Dashboard than what is actually computed in the MCTFS for a given promotion month because the MCTFS score will only calculate data elements that are prior to the command cutoff. DATE OF RANK: 20210401 Cutting scores are also available on the Enlisted Promotions Section web page. With increased core strength and stability, Marines are less likely to experience injury or fatigue during functional tasks like lifting and hiking. MARADMIN 147/22 Pros and cons werent exactly broken, but we can use technology to improve that process, Williamson said. REF F, IS MCO 1616.1 JUNIOR ENLISTED PERFORMANCE EVALUATION SYSTEM (JEPES).// 5. MSGID/GENADMIN/CMC WASHINGTON DC MRA MM// SEL SGT ED: 20210401 Completion of a command-sponsored Lance Corporal Leadership and Ethics Seminar (of note: Marinenet EPME3000AA Course is a prerequisite to attend the Seminar). 4.d. Reserve Corporal Cutting Scores Word of the Day blood stripe - scarlet trouser stripe worn on the blue dress trousers, awarded to Marine officers and NCOs due, according to legend,to their high fatality rates in the Battle of Chapultepec. References (c) and (f) set forth guidance and instructions for effecting the monthly promotions of LCpls and Cpls of the regular Marine Corps who meet the following criteria: The Marine Corps Total Force System (MCTFS) may be used to view the reserve promotion parameters and the reserve cutting scores for the current month, This may be done by typing "JEPA" from. That bell curve when you look at the average is a very high, very narrow bell curve, Williamson told Marine Corps Times. 4.b. Live search for open billets in the SMCR or IMA reserves. SEL CPL ED: 20210501 These four pillars identify exactly what we are looking for, Williamson said. Timely posting of PME will prevent delays in promotion of your Marines. The information and dates displayed on the dashboard are updated as of the latest MCTFS cycle. Cutting scores for the current month should be printed from the "JEPA" screen and attached with this MARADMIN to be used for future reference. 5.c.2.c. 5.c.1.a. 5. IRR: Completion of Marinenet EPME3000AA Course. This may be done by typing "JEPA" from the MCTFS main menu and following the instructions at the bottom of the page. 6.c. This MARADMIN will be posted to the promotion branch website:, select "Active Marine", "Promotion Branch (MMPR)", then "Enlisted Promotions. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. SEL CPL ED: 20210401 Per Appendix A of reference (f), the MRO Dashboard is the portal through which Marines can view their current objective scores (MCMAP, rifle, CFT, PFT, PME, self-education and bonus points), along with their command input marks (subjective evaluation). For Marine enlisted promotion matters call commercial (703) 784-9717 or DSN 278-9717. This is something that the force wants, he said. REF D IS MCO 1616.1, JUNIOR ENLISTED PERFORMANCE EVALUATION SYSTEM (JEPES). 10.c. SUBJ/JUNE 2023 REGULAR CORPORAL AND SERGEANT PROMOTION AUTHORITY// REF/F/MSGID: DOC/MMRP-33/20201125// 5.b. Cutting scores are also available on the Enlisted Promotions Section web page. 1.d. REF/B/MSGID: MSG/CMC/301800ZOCT19// This change started with the January 2020 promotion quarter. SUBJ/JULY 2021 REGULAR CORPORAL AND SERGEANT PROMOTION AUTHORITY// POC/LINDSAY D. PERRY/GYSGT/ADMIN CHIEF/MMPR-2/-/TEL: DSN 278-9718/EMAIL: LINDSAY.PERRY@USMC.MIL// With the advent of JEPES, it is critical to provide clarification between the actual JEPES score computed in the MCTFS and the JEPES scores that are viewed in Marine on Line (MOL) on the JEPES Marine Reported On (MRO) Dashboard. REF F, IS MCO 1616.1 JUNIOR ENLISTED PERFORMANCE EVALUATION SYSTEM (JEPES).// 1.c. Per Appendix A of reference (f), the MRO Dashboard is the portal through which Marines can view their current objective scores (MCMAP, rifle, CFT, PFT, PME, self-education and bonus points), along with their command input marks (subjective evaluation). 4.b. Receipt of this MARADMIN as the official promotion authority. SEL SGT ED: 20210701 The request should be submitted to REF/D/MSGID: DOC/MMRP-33/YMD: 20201125// 1.b. So this puts it back into their hands., Corps ditching pro/cons for new junior Marine evaluation system, Marines release specs for high-tech next-gen combat utility uniform, Milley: tanks, F-16s coming, but not in time for Ukraine offensive, Thrift Savings Plan participants sue over access to funds, Blinken says no Ukraine cease-fire without Russias withdrawal, New Army fitness regimen and the Marines innovation unit | Defense News Weekly for 5.27.23, Marines mint new unit to develop gear, tech faster, Debit card fraud: Protecting your personal information Money Minute. Note that the purpose of the PME flag is to prevent erroneous select grades. 3.b. Reference (a), provides information and guidance on the changes to time in grade (TIG) for promotion to Cpl. SEL CPL ED: 20210701 Article by Human Performance Branch, Feb 8, 2023. Manage Settings 2. The purpose of the PME flag is to prevent erroneous select grades. If you have a way in which we can improve please feel free to contact us and let us know! Late reporting of any data element to include command input marks will cause the MCTFS to automatically recompute the JEPES score. Travis Titopace explains how to properly conduct a plank exercise on Marine Corps Base Quantico, Virginia, Jan. 11, 2023. The request should be submitted to If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. NARR/REF A, IS MARADMIN 055/16, CHANGE IN TIG AND SELECTION CRITERIA FOR PROMOTION TO CPL AND CHANGE IN SELECTION CRITERIA FOR PROMOTION TO SERGEANT. 11. Per Appendix A of reference (f), the MRO Dashboard is the portal through which Marines can view their current objective scores (MCMAP, rifle, CFT, PFT, PME, self-education and bonus points), along with their command input marks (subjective evaluation). 4.b. SUBJ/APRIL 2022 DRILLING RESERVE (DR), INDIVIDUAL READY RESERVE (IRR), AND ACTIVE RESERVE (AR) CORPORAL AND SERGEANT PROMOTION AUTHORITY// 4. 1.a. This change started with the January 2020 promotion quarter. POC/STEPHANIE J. MAXWELL/MAJ/HEAD/MMPR-2/-/TEL: DSN 278-9718/EMAIL: STEPHANIE.MAXWELL@USMC.MIL// An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. 165 cutting scores for June 2023 have been released for Active Duty. DR: Completion of Marinenet EPME4000AA Course or a reserve or active duty command sponsored Corporals Course. Commanders will ensure the following criteria are met: 9. The Corps hopes the combination of the frequent updates, the increased difficulty to get points and the online trackers will increase competition as Marines try to race to the top of the leader board. EFFECTIVE DATE: 20210401 A general description of the Marine Corps Reserves. 5.b. Release authorized by BGen Michael J. Borgschulte, Director, Manpower Management Division.//, JULY 2021 REGULAR CORPORAL AND SERGEANT PROMOTION AUTHORITY, Date Signed: 6/11/2021 | MARADMINS Number: 305/21, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - It is to be used as a tool for the commands and is not intended to replace the "not rec" requirement. Promotion to Sgt. 10. This is a good thing we are actually giving them (the fleet Marine force) what they have been asking for, for a while now, he added. Timely posting of PME will prevent delays in promotion of your Marines. 8. Prior to being promoted, all Marines must be PME complete IAW reference (d). Reference (a) provides information and guidance on the changes to time in grade (TIG) for promotion to Cpl. The command input score will be on a 0.0 to 5.0 scale and a Marine who just meets expectations, is expected to receive marks between 2.0 and 3.0, a significantly larger range than the 4.0 to 4.4 range used for an equivalent Marine in the pro/con systems. NARR/REF A, IS MARADMIN 055/16, CHANGE IN TIG AND SELECTION CRITERIA FOR PROMOTION TO CPL AND CHANGE IN SELECTION CRITERIA FOR PROMOTION TO SERGEANT. 6.c. For Marines whose PME completion has posted late, commands must conduct research and submit a remedial promotion request to MMPR-2, if applicable. The information and dates displayed on the dashboard are updated as of the latest MCTFS cycle. 6.a. REF/F/MSGID: DOC/MMRP-33/20201125// REF E, IS MARADMIN 249/20 FISCAL YEAR 2020 ACTIVE COMPONENT MANPOWER CROSS FY EXTENSIONS UPDATE. The cutting scores for the current month should be printed from the "JEPA" screen and attached with this MARADMIN to be used for future reference. IRR Marines will use the same promotion parameters and the same cutting scores as DR Marines. Remedial promotion requests should be submitted for Marines who are recommended for promotion by their commanding officer and have a recomputed score that is equal to or above the cutoff score (cutting score) for their MOS. REF/A/MSGID: MSG/CG TECOM QUANTICO VA/132101ZSEP21// Note that the cutting scores for the current month are not available in the MCTFS until after the current month select grades have posted. REF/B/MSGID: MSG/CMC/301800ZOCT19// Cutting scores are also available on the Enlisted Promotions Section web page. 7. 4. From there, to find this MARADMIN: click on "Message Traffic", then "Noncommissioned Officer (NCO)". The system also will come with two trackers: one allowing a Marine to compare themselves to all Marines of their rank in their MOS, while the second will allow them to compare themselves against every Marine of their rank in the Corps. From there, to find this MARADMIN: click on "Message Traffic", then "Noncommissioned Officer (NCO)". 2. MARADMIN 305/21 4. 5.a. Use the MCTFS to view the active duty promotion parameters and the active duty cutting scores for the current promotion month. Reference (a) provides information and guidance on the changes to time in grade (TIG) for promotion to Cpl. REF/C/MSGID: DOC/MMPR-2/YMD: 20120614// GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. Continue with Recommended Cookies. REF F, IS MCO 1616.1 JUNIOR ENLISTED PERFORMANCE EVALUATION SYSTEM (JEPES).// 6.b. 5.b. E-mail inquiries may be submitted to Per Appendix A of reference (d), the MRO Dashboard is the portal through which Marines can view their current objective scores (MCMAP, rifle, CFT, PFT, PME, self-education and bonus points), along with their command input marks (subjective evaluation). Reference (b), paragraph 4 provides information and guidance on the changes to time in service (TIS) for promotion to Sgt. 5.c.1.b. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. This change started with the January 2020 promotion quarter. About Us We are the #1 source and most advanced cutting scores website for the USMC providing you with quick scores, graphs and many other tools. References (e) and (f) set forth guidance and instructions for effecting the quarterly promotions of LCpls and Cpls of the DR, IRR, and AR who meet the following criteria: We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. 6. LCpls and Cpls who meet the cutting score, but are not PME complete and have not been ran as "NOT REC" will not be selected due to their PME flag in the MCTFS being "N". 12. 10. References (c) and (f) set forth guidance and instructions for effecting the monthly promotions of LCpls and Cpls of the regular Marine Corps who meet the following criteria: 5. The JEPES systems also will change how MarineNet calculates courses now basing the points a Marine gets for completing an online course on how hard the course was, how long it was expected to take and how much the Corps wanted the course. When filling out the command input, section leaders are directed to focus in on a Marines personal character, military occupational specialty knowledge and leadership abilities another break from the old pro/con systems that included other parts of a Marines career already factored into their score, like how well they did on a PFT. All remedial promotion requests must contain a letter signed by the commanding officer or by direction and should explain the reason for the remedial request and include any supporting documentation. All the Marine Corps MARADMINS listed here by year, number, and status. For Marine enlisted promotion matters, call commercial (703) 784-9717 or DSN 278-9717. This MARADMIN will be posted to the Promotion Branch website:, select "Active Marine", "Promotion Branch (MMPR)", then "Enlisted Promotions". 4. For example, the command cutoff for promotion 1 June 2023 is 30 April 2023. It is to be used as a tool for the commands and is not intended to replace the "not rec" requirement. All remedial promotion requests must contain a letter signed by the commanding officer or by direction and should explain the reason for the remedial request and include any supporting documentation. Release authorized by BGen Michael J. Borgschulte, Director, Manpower Management Division.//, MAY 2021 REGULAR CORPORAL AND SERGEANT PROMOTION AUTHORITY, Date Signed: 4/23/2021 | MARADMINS Number: 228/21, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - The Marine Corps Total Force System (MCTFS) may be used to view the reserve promotion parameters and the reserve cutting scores for the current month,This may be done by typing "JEPA" from the MCTFS main menu and then following the instructions at the bottom of the page. 10.b. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. This change started with the April 2016 promotion quarter. Cutting scores for the current month should be printed from the "JEPA" screen and attached with this MARADMIN to be used for future reference. DR and AR. The Corps hopes the new system will improve its ability to select corporals and sergeants, encourage competition throughout the Marine Corps and end the stigmas that all a Marine needs for promotion is the ability to run fast and do a lot of pullups, Sgt. This MARADMIN will be posted to the Promotion Branch website:, select "Active Marine", "Promotion Branch (MMPR)", then "Enlisted Promotions". Receipt of 1 June 2023 select grade rosters generated on the unit diary feedback report. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. This change started with the January 2020 promotion quarter. 1.a. Receipt of this MARADMIN as the official promotion authority. GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. However, researchhas shown that crunches with the feet restrained require significant hip flexor activation. Use the MCTFS to view the active duty promotion parameters and the active duty cutting scores for the current promotion month. REF/B/MSGID: MSG/CMC/301800ZOCT19// 8. REF D, IS MARADMIN 521/14, UPDATED ENL PME PROM REQR'S BY GRADE AND ANNOUNCEMENT OF CMD-SPONSORED LCPL LEADERSHIP-ETHICS AND CAREER CRS SEMINAR. For Marines whose PME completion has posted late, commands must conduct research and submit a remedial promotion request to MMPR-2, if applicable. 1.b. 5.c. 6. Cutting scores for the current month should be printed from the "JEPA" screen and attached with this MARADMIN to be used for future reference. MSGID/GENADMIN/CMC WASHINGTON DC MRA MM// Cutting scores are also available on the. References (c) and (f) set forth guidance and instructions for effecting the monthly promotions of LCpls and Cpls of the regular Marine Corps who meet the following criteria: The war fighting score will be based on a Marines rifle range score and Marine Corps Martial Arts Program level. Receipt of this MARADMIN as the official promotion authority. REF/E/MSGID: MSG/CG TECOM/DTG: 132101ZSEP21// REF B, IS MARADMIN 612/19, ANNOUNCEMENT OF AUTHORITY FOR EARLY REENLISTMENT, DELEGATION OF REENLISTMENT APPROVAL AUTHORITY, AND CHANGES TO PROMOTION REQUIREMENTS POLICY REF C, IS MCO P1400.32D, ENLISTED PROMOTION MANUAL. This may be done by typing "JEPA" from the MCTFS main menu and following the instructions at the bottom of the page. SUBJ/APRIL 2021 REGULAR CORPORAL AND SERGEANT PROMOTION AUTHORITY// 3. 6.a. IRR Marines promote based on the SMCR cutting score and the "PME complete flag" in the MCTFS will keep them from coming up select grade. The information and dates displayed on the dashboard are updated as of the latest MCTFS cycle. REF C, IS MCO P1400.32D, ENLISTED PROMOTION MANUAL. From there, to find this MARADMIN: click on "Message Traffic", then "Noncommissioned Officer (NCO)". 5.c.2.a. With advent of JEPES it is critical to provide clarification between the actual JEPES score computed in the MCTFS and the JEPES scores that are viewed in Marine on Line (MOL) on the JEPES Marine Reported On (MRO) Dashboard. 1.a. It is to be used as a tool for the commands and is not intended to replace the "not rec" requirement. Timely posting of PME will prevent delays in promotion of your Marines. Prior to being promoted, all Marines must complete the required Professional Military Education (PME) for their grade IAW references (b) and (e) as follows: The Marine's actual JEPES score used for promotion will be computed in the MCTFS using the total of their objective scores and their command input marks (subjective evaluation) as of the command cutoff date (MCTFS cutoff) for each promotion month. Receipt of this MARADMIN as the official promotion authority. 1.c. Prior to being promoted, all Marines must be PME complete IAW reference (d). 7. REF/E/MSGID: MSG/CMC/211849ZAPR20// Please support us by disabling ad blocker for The MOS number you have entered appears to not exist. "From there, to find this MARADMIN: click on "Message Traffic", then "Noncommissioned Officer (NCO)." Calculate your physical fitness test score. 2. The new system allows us to differentiate that top 10 percent, that middle 25 percent and so on, which help break out the performers and enable that elicit competition, Williamson added. REF/D/MSGID: MSG/CMC/162200ZOCT14// REF E IS MARADMIN 474/21, UPDATED ENLISTED PME REQUIREMENTS BY GRADE.// REF/A/MSGID: MSG/CMC/021108ZFEB16// For Marine enlisted promotion matters call commercial (703) 784-9717 or DSN 278-9717. SEL CPL ED: 20220401 GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. Timely posting of PME will prevent delays in promotion of your Marines. REF B, IS MARADMIN 612/19, ANNOUNCEMENT OF AUTHORITY FOR EARLY REENLISTMENT, DELEGATION OF REENLISTMENT APPROVAL AUTHORITY, AND CHANGES TO PROMOTION REQUIREMENTS POLICY. Cutting scores for the current month should be printed from the "JEPA" screen and attached with this MARADMIN to be used for future reference. 4.a. 5.c. References (c) and (d) set forth guidance and instructions for effecting the monthly promotions of LCpls and Cpls of the regular Marine Corps who meet the following criteria: 6. POC/STEPHANIE J. MAXWELL/MAJ/HEAD/MMPR-2/-/TEL: DSN 278-9718/EMAIL: STEPHANIE.MAXWELL@USMC.MIL// MARADMIN 156/21 Even though Marines who are not PME complete will not come up select grade due to having a PME flag of a "N" they still need to be ran as "not rec" for promotion and be given a page 11 entry. Promotion to Cpl. REF/A/MSGID: MSG/CMC/021108ZFEB16// REF D, IS MARADMIN 612/19, ANNOUNCEMENT OF AUTHORITY FOR EARLY REENLISTMENT, DELEGATION OF REENLISTMENT APPROVAL AUTHORITY, AND CHANGES TO PROMOTION REQUIREMENTS POLICY. 9. In a Wednesday administrative message the Corps announced it be will launching a new promotion system for juniors Marines, ditching the proficiency and conduct marks known as pros/cons for JEPES: the junior enlisted performance evaluation system. POC/STEPHANIE J. MAXWELL/MAJ/HEAD/MMPR-2/-/TEL: DSN 278-9718/EMAIL: STEPHANIE.MAXWELL@USMC.MIL// In accordance with reference (e), first term Marines in any MOS that are approved for a cross-FY extension up to 12 months will not be eligible for promotion until reenlisted. Reference (c) provides information and guidance on the changes to time in grade (TIG) for promotion to Cpl. For example, the command cutoff for promotion 1 April 2022 is 28 February 2022. All eligible SMCR and AR Marines who are not PME complete and have not been ran as "NOT REC" for promotion will not be selected due to their PME flag in MCTFS being a "N". 3. Reference (b), paragraph 4 provides information and guidance on the changes to time in service (TIS) for promotion to Sgt. REF B IS CG, EDUCATION COMMAND MEMORANDUM. We are the #1 source and most advanced cutting scores website for the USMC providing you with quick scores, graphs and many other tools. Prior to being promoted, all Marines must be PME complete IAW reference (d). Note that the purpose of the PME flag is to prevent erroneous select grades. Per Appendix A of reference (f), the MRO Dashboard is the portal through which Marines can view their current objective scores (MCMAP, rifle, CFT, PFT, PME, self-education and bonus points),. Release authorized by Major General M. J. Borgschulte, Director, Manpower Management Division.//, APRIL 2022 DRILLING RESERVE, INDIVIDUAL READY RESERVE, AND ACTIVE RESERVE CORPORAL AND SERGEANT PROMOTION AUTHORITY, Date Signed: 3/25/2022 | MARADMINS Number: 147/22, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - Commanders are reminded that all Professional Military Education (PME) for LCpls and Cpls must be entered in the Marine Corps Total Force System (MCTFS) in a timely manner. This may be done by typing "JEPA" from the MCTFS main menu and following the instructions at the bottom of the page. After the release of reference (a) and prior to the release of reference (b), MMPR-2 had the PME flag in the Marine Corps Total Force System (MCTFS) corrected to reflect the new requirement. IRR Marines who are "NOT REC" for reasons other than PME should continue to be ran. The request should be submitted to 6.a. 10. Receipt of 1 May 2021 select grade generated on the unit diary feedback report. The time required for the minimum score is 1:10. This change started with the April 2016 promotion quarter. For Marine Enlisted Promotion matters call comm (703) 784-9717 or DSN 278-9717. EFFECTIVE DATE: 20210501 Calculate your physical fitness test score. Marines may have a higher or lower score reflecting on the MRO Dashboard than what is actually computed in the MCTFS for a given promotion month because the MCTFS score will only calculate data elements that are prior to the command cutoff. REF/F/MSGID: DOC/MMRP-33/20201125// R 251900Z MAY 23 Use the MCTFS to view the active duty promotion parameters and the active duty cutting scores for the current promotion month. Is the standard Army fitness test a thing of the past? REF E, IS MCO P1400.32D, ENLISTED PROMOTION MANUAL W/ CH 2. 4.a. NARR/REF A IS MARADMIN 055/16, CHANGE IN TIME IN GRADE AND SELECTION CRITERIA FOR PROMOTION TO CORPORAL AND CHANGE IN SELECTION CRITERIA FOR PROMOTION TO SERGEANT. R 251930Z MAR 22 The information and dates displayed on the dashboard are updated as of the latest MCTFS cycle. For decades, the Marine Corps has used crunches to train and assess core muscle strength and endurance. 6.b. We have noticed that you have an ad blocker enabled which restricts ads served on the site. A general description of the Marine Corps Reserves. GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. 5 minors arrested after crowd attack on Marines at California pier, Bidens pick to lead the Marine Corps helped design its new vision, Auditors: Over 1 million F-35 spare parts lost by DoD and Lockheed. 6.c. SEL SGT ED: 20220401 REF C, IS MCO P1400.32D, ENLISTED PROMOTION MANUAL. This change started with the April 2016 promotion quarter. Reference (b), paragraph 4 provides information and guidance on the changes to time in service (TIS) for promotion to Sgt. The purpose of this Marine Administrative Message (MARADMIN) is to also provide clarification between the actual JEPES score computed in the Marine Corps Total Force System (MCTFS) and the JEPES scores that are viewed in Marine on Line (MOL) on the JEPES Marine Reported On (MRO) Dashboard. SEL SGT ED: 20210501 R 231900Z APR 21 3. Commanders will ensure the following criteria are met: Cutting scores are also available on the Enlisted Promotions Section web page. This has been linked to an increased risk of injury, including lower back pain due to repetitive lumbar flexion. The plank times and scores are gender neutral and remain the same for all ages. The new system, set to start February 1, 2021, will be made up of three objective scores called war fighting, physical toughness and mental agility combined with a more subjective score provided by a Marines command, called command input. 6. If you have questions about the test or any other component of the An official website of the United States government, Physical Fitness Test / Combat Fitness Test, How to Execute the Pull-Up/Push-Up Hybrid, Marine Corps Base Quantico Body Composition Study, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - It allows those commanders to talk about that Marines character, their leadership ability and, equally important, their proficiency at their MOS and their ability to accomplish the mission, he said. The Marine's actual JEPES score used for promotion will be computed in the MCTFS using the total of their objective scores and their command input marks (subjective evaluation) as of the command cutoff date (MCTFS cutoff) for each promotion month. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Marines can view how they compare to their peers within their grade and MOS or just within their grade. 8. REF C, IS MARADMIN 055/16, CHANGE IN TIG AND SELECTION CRITERIA FOR PROMOTION TO CPL AND CHANGE IN SELECTION CRITERIA FOR PROMOTION TO SGT. AR: Completion of Marinenet EPME4000AA Course and a command sponsored Corporals Course. Marines can view how they compare to their peers within their grade and MOS or just within their grade. 5.b. DATE OF RANK: 20230601 2. MARADMIN 228/21 The PME flag is to be used as a tool for the commands and is not intended to replace the "not rec" requirement. SEL CPL ED: 20230601 4.d. DATE OF RANK: 20210701 REF/B/MSGID: MSG/CMC/DTG: 301800ZOCT19// For Marines whose PME completion has posted late, commands must conduct research and submit a remedial promotion request to MMPR-2 if applicable. 1.d. This MARADMIN will be posted to the Promotion Branch website:, select "Active Marine", "Promotion Branch (MMPR)", then "Enlisted Promotions." Marines all love to compete and they love to win, Williamson said. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Release authorized by BGen Michael J. Borgschulte, Director, Manpower Management Division.//, APRIL 2021 REGULAR CORPORAL AND SERGEANT PROMOTION AUTHORITY, Date Signed: 3/23/2021 | MARADMINS Number: 156/21, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - Another key change will be the monthly updates to the score, meaning Marines will no longer have to wait a full quarter to see the PFT or rifle range included. The Marines actual JEPES score used for promotion will be computed in the MCTFS using the total of their objective scores and their command input marks (subjective evaluation) as of the command cutoff date (MCTFS cutoff) for each promotion month; for example the command cutoff for promotion 1 April 2021 is 28 February 2021. REF/D/MSGID: MSG/CMC/301800ZOCT19// Marines whose PME Completion has posted late, commands must conduct research and submit a remedial promotion request to,! C ) provides information and guidance on the changes to time in grade ( TIG ) promotion. 2020 active COMPONENT MANPOWER CROSS FY EXTENSIONS UPDATE 8, 2023 d is P1400.32D! The April 2016 promotion quarter ad blocker enabled which restricts ads served on the ENLISTED Promotions Section page. Marines must be PME complete IAW reference ( C ) provides information dates! Partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device compete and they love to,. 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